Movie Day

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This is my second fan fiction on the vamps. I'm still writing two weeks can change your life. but I had a whole new idea. it will be harder to update now that there is two of them but I will update this fan fiction every week.


Some people don't like going to school because they say its boring and there social life is more important or they say they don't need an education so they don't need to go to school. but that's not my reason why I dreaded school. I liked school at first, I had loads of friends and I liked learning new things and I would be the kind of girl that wanted the weekend to end. that was me until I was bullied and abused by so called 'friends'. I was bullied because my mum died when I was 8 in a car accident. I tried not to act affected when they bullied me, but its hard. it's hard in life when your bullied from a young age and just because your parent passed away. no one should have to go through that pain but I did.

It then became hard for me to focus in school. I couldn't concentrate and my confidence level had gone completely down hill. It's also hard because my dad suffered to. he couldn't stand living in the house that we had all my families memories in so we had to move out to a small flat where only me, my little brother Sam and my dad lived.

When I was about nine I was sitting in my usual place at lunch on my own. when this boy called James came and sat next to me. he was bullied too. we have the same hobbies which is music. Me and James have been best friends since that day and I think we always will be. we have that special relationship where we understand each other and we listen to each other. that's why I like him so much.

After we got through first school, we had to go through it all again in middle school. me and James were as happy as we could be as we were in the same class. I'm not saying that the bullying stopped its just that we had each other. even through hard times, if anyone wanted to hurt James I would try as hard as I could to stop them and he would do the same to me. he was like the big brother I never had.

Half way through middle school a girl named Bria joined my class. Straight away everyone loved her, she was really pretty, nice, kind hearted and in general a good person. me and James didn't really talk to her at first but one day she came and sat next to me and James at lunch and then she would everyday and we would hang out more and more. I was really happy I actually had a friend that was a girl because just having James was Boring sometimes. All the time the three of us would go round each others house and do stuff together at weekends. because no body liked me or James, Bria was bullied to, she lost loads of friends and people would make fun of her because of me and to this day I still feel bad.

The three of us stayed together until high school when we were split into different classes. James had a few new friends so we weren't as close and me and Bria were still close but not as much as before. we all went are separate ways until the day that Bria's dad passed away of a heart attack. that was when we all got glued back together. she needed us and we needed her. we all lost our friends again and now it was just us three.

We finished school exactly 2 years today. James is 18 and so is Bria but I'm still 17. Since school we have all changed and we have all become more involved in music. When I found out about YouTube I made a channel and me and James would occasionally do a cover together. That's what we are doing today, well were supposed to but it's not going so well so far. all we have done is watch a film and played chubby bunny. Also were supposed to be at james' house but were at mine so we have some traveling to do.

"Sapphire when are we going, are we even going to do a cover anymore?" James asked.

"I don't know James why are you asking me? Why don't we just stay here and have a movie day or something?" I asked.

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