It's a shame she locked them bedroom doors.

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"I have something in mind" Tris giggled.

"And what would that be?" I wondered.

The next thing I know, tris puts his arms around my waist and connects his lips with mine. are lips move in sync and I begin to move my arms around Tristan's neck and play with His hair, grabbing little ringlets and twirling them around in my fingers.


Chapter 14

I was way to lost in the moment to even realise that we were being watched. all I cared about was the way Tristan's lips perfectly moulded in with mine and the way he was gentle, yet the kiss was so passionate.

I'd forgotten about everything else. I forgot about Bria, James, Brad, my parents. All I could think about was Tristan.

"SAPPHIRE!" my name was being called again but I chose to ignore it once more, not caring about anything other than this kiss.

"S-Saph" another person was calling my name, sounding hurt and broken, this time I stopped and turned around only to see the only two people I didn't want to see right now.

James and Brad. staring at me wide eyed and speechless. Brad looked angry and furious. He practically had smoke coming out of his ears as he clenched his jaw and his knuckles whitened. But james, he looked so hurt, almost disappointed in a way and I could feel the tears blurring my vision when I saw James walked away from me, ashamed.

"James. please wait! I'm sorry!" I yelled chasing after him, leaving a confused Tristan and a fuming Brad in a room together.

He wasn't stopping, if anything he was going faster, so fast I could barely keep up. He was almost at the Bottom of the garden by the time he had stopped. He turned around and with the littlest of light coming from the house, I could see that he had been crying.

"What do you want?" he hissed at me, harshly.

"Im sorry James, you weren't supposed to see that and a-and, I feel so bad. I'm sorry" I let the tears roll down my cheek realising how hurt James actually was by my stupid act.

It was stupid, I shouldn't of kissed Tristan. I shouldn't of kissed a boy that I've known for a little over three hours. I'm tipsy, but not drunk. I can control my actions, so why didn't I stop him from kissing me? I could of easily said no, but I didn't and that was a stupid thing to do.

"That's no excuse, Sapphire! You haven't even know him for four hours and there you are, eating each other's faces off in the middle of a party. What if Bria's mum just so happened to walk in? With her business partners son and daughters best-friend making out in her living room. she would never forgive you! what's happened to you sapphire? Where's the sapphire I met years ago. where is the happy and friendly girl That was my best friend? you don't see it, but you've changed. And for all the wrong reasons!" James yelled at me, towering over me, making me slightly intimidated and scared by his actions.

James and I fought rare and this by far, is the angriest I've ever seen James. his knuckles now an unpleasant white and his jaw clenched together so tight, it could break.

My sorrowful tears, now disappeared and replaced with anger.

"You can't control me James! I don't care what you think or what you want to think but you can't! I can't help changing James but if you knew what's actually been happening over the last few days then you would understand how I've all of a sudden 'changed'! I don't mean to break it to you, but I don't know who you are anymore James, your with brad more than me. Do you know how it feels to have a best friend for almost all your life and then suddenly walk away from you? it's not just the fact that you've left me, the thing that annoys me the most is that you've left me, for someone I hate and a person I know I will never like, or want to like!" I shouted at him, without taking a breath throughout the whole thing. I finally got all my anger up that has been building up in my body for so long, and it's finally out.

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