Chapter 4

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The entrance wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be.

Ben said hello to him. So did Kevin. Adrian and Josh, however, just shrugged and began talking about something entirely different.

And, to my ultimate surprise, the first thing he did was talk to me.

“Lupe?” His voice was clear, and well pronounced.

I looked up at him. “Yeah?”

“Could we talk somewhere private?”

I looked at the guys. “Well, I guess…look after my book, okay?” I said to them, although I didn’t need to. Ben was glued to it, now.

Adrian however, responded to my message. “I will.”

I nodded and watched as Lorenzo quickly scurried away past a tree, and I realised I would have to quicken my pace to catch up with him.

Past the tree, though, he stopped. His cheeks were ruby red.

“Can we walk from here?” He asked.

“Whatever.” I replied.

“Okay.” He began walking. “First, I would like to say how sorry I am about what I said. I forgot about the deal.”

“It’s okay.” I said, unsure of what to say.

But I didn’t need to, because he carried on talking. “I think we got off on the wrong side, don’t you? And I’d like to change that. I believe we’d actually get on very well.”

I looked at him. “I guess.”

“I mean it. You seem quite pleasant. And the others like you. And who knows? Maybe I’ll come in handy sometime to you.”


“I’m a trainee scientist, and I’ll be going to college soon. But if your ever curious about things…or worried about your secret…I could help you.”

“And how’s that?”

“if someone did find out about the secret,” He waggled his fingers. “I could help. I have quite a reputation around here, and I could get you out of any trouble.”

“You have a reputation?”

He sighed. “My father is the judge to the RedAsh court. My mother is a barrister for the same court. Like I said, I can help you in ways that the others can’t.”

I widened my eyes. Was he really offering what I thought he was – protection from the justice system? “Really?”

He smiled – not one to show his teeth, but a smile nevertheless. “Yes. Just don’t tell the others about this. Like Ben – he had a run in with the police once about his dad and I didn’t help him. It’s a tender subject to him.”

“Wow. Um, thanks, Lorenzo.” I said, my mouth nearly dropping to the floor. “But you don’t have to.”

“No, no.” He waved his hand. “Don’t mention it. Seriously.”

I was totally shocked. Lorenzo really wasn’t the person I thought he was. Almost like an ally, I thought. The idea of justice being on the same side of me seemed to give me a mental sigh of relief.

“Let’s get back to the others, shall we?”

I nodded and followed after him.

This was unexpected; very unexpected.


I had just finished the teleporting trick to an excited Josh when Ben was about to leave.

“Going already?” Josh called after him.

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