Chapter 11

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For a spell I had never done, I felt certainly prepared for it.

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Relaxing my tensed shoulders, I began to think of the rick purple of plums; the deep purple which was associated with spiritual meaning. This was a warm up activity.

I let my mind unroll begin to unroll, and the plum turned into the lush, magenta valerian that grew in vast herds of my mothers garden. The colour was captivating; and symbolised a spiritual balance. Now was the perfect time for a spell, seen as I had created a natural awareness of both the spiritual existence and matter existence. This meant I could leave the casting whenever I liked, without damage.

The rick velvet of the plums and the pink belonging to the valerian unfurled inside my head. I could feel the magyik begin to sieve through my thoughts now; and my palms grew sweaty. It was working.

Dracones, I told myself, watching the word echo inside my head and float between the colours. I repeated it in my head again, and tilted my head towards the ceiling, which hid the sky.

Then it happened. My stomach began to contract. My relaxed palms had turned into scrunched up fists. The word that was once floating around my head peacefully was now crashing into the colour waves, and my conscience was screaming ‘Dracones!’ It was as if my mind was yearning desperately to be heard, from Redash to Australia.

My breathing pace picked up – and my legs grew wobbly. No, I told myself, Dracones. I want the Dracones, and I won’t stop till I get them-

“I knew you could do it.”

My eyes flew open.

Stood directly in front of me, only a couple centimetres from myself and in the pentacle, was the boy. I stared at him. “This isn’t a dream, is it?”

“No,” he said, folding his arms, “We’re in the real matter planes. I was waiting for you, though.”

I glanced at Adrian and Josh, along with all the others for a few seconds, but their eyes were locked with the Dracones guy.

The boy didn’t turn to see them. “I see you brought company.”

“They’re my friends.” I told him.

“Periculosus. They’re humans. And I can sense humans downstairs.” He looked slightly tense.

“I’m aware.”

“You shouldn’t have the Periculosus with you. They’re weak.”

“What does Periculosus mean-”

“Risky.” I heard Kevin say. “Dangerous, hazardous, choose your pick.”

The boy raised his eyebrow. “So one of your friends is part of the few mortals who reads the ancient language of the Gods? Is that why you are friends with them?”

“Is this all necessary?” I said, exasperated. “What about the shadows? I thought you came to help me?”

The atmosphere turned serious. “Partly. We should speak in private though.” His eyes glanced at the gang.

“They know as much as I do.”

The boys face contorted into anger toward me. “They shouldn’t! They live up to their name; Periculosus. That much information could get them killed, and it would be easy.”

“No one’s killed us yet!” Ben called out, smirking.

“Then I’m surprised.” The boy said. He sighed. “Right. They can stay; only because I’ll put up with them. But the others won’t.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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