Chapter 10

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I began to tidy my bed.

It seemed that, with Jesse and Adam in the house downstairs, it wouldn’t be a good idea to talk about the shadows with the gang whilst they could hear. Plus, I didn’t want Jesse and Adam grassing on me to my parents that the gang actually came around. I had to be careful.

So I was tidying my room, hair wet from the quick shower I took, and my normal jeans and shirt happy to be united with me again.

I haven’t even told Pearl about the dress. I’m hoped she wouldn’t come back from work today and ask me. Quickly, I stuffed the dress right at the back of my closet.

“I’m going now, Lupe!” My mum shouted from downstairs. “Come and shut the door behind me.”

Sighing, because my room was a real mess and I was totally behind, I obeyed her and met her halfway down the stairs.

“Save me some muffins, eh?” I told my mum, who just rolled her eyes and nodded.

“You know I will.” We were at the door. “You still haven’t talked about last night. Did it go okay?”

Yes and no, I thought. But I didn’t want to worry my mum. “It went fine. Tell dad I said thanks for letting me go.” I opened the door, refusing to talk about the party anymore. “Later, mum.”

“Bye, love.”

Shutting the door, I raced back upstairs and got on cleaning. I was glad now that my room wasn’t its old pink and purple which it was a year ago, but cream and simple.

I should have just met them in the woods, I thought.

No, I shouldn’t have. The woods were dark. And, as much as I loved them, I was going to avoid every dark place in fear the shadows would find me. Here I was safer…but not safe. At least the shadows couldn’t hurt me in light.

But I’d need to explain my dream to the others…


My dream.

I gave up running – knowing the shadows would catch up somehow in the dream. So I stood there, waiting for them. I was deep in the woods – where my dreams took place most of the time.

So technically I was waiting for my death.

But it wasn’t the shadows.

It wasn’t even the white light.


A boy with platinum white hair and casual clothes strolled up to me. At first, I thought I was having some normal dream. Maybe I would actually have a normal dream…

Of course I was wrong.

“You’re Lupe Dux, right? The witch?”

I looked at him. Dux was my last name. Not many people used it; my parents hated it. “Yeah. The ‘witch’.” I was starting to wish I wasn’t.

“Awesome. Daisy was wondering when you’d finally get a free night.”

“Huh?” Free night? Daisy?

Maybe this was a normal dream after all.

“Oh, I should probably explain.” The boy gestured his hands around the woods. “This dream is, well, not a dream. We’re part of the Dracones Race-”

“Dracones? You mean Dragons?” I said, slightly annoyed that even he was using these weird languages.

He tutted at me. “Well, yeah. Dracones means Dragon in Latin. Anyway-”

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