Chapter 9

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I was flying…no, I was floating. My body wasn’t a weight.

This was what it was like to be dead, a voice told me. I marvelled at the peacefulness, the tranquillity…


It was obvious now; the voice had told me. I wasn’t meant for this world. My powers weren’t meant for this dimension. The voices said so…



Wait, the voices?! Had the shadows got me?

“Stop it, Lupe!”

Shh, the voices said. We’ll take care of your friends. They will be joining you. Everyone will…After you’re dead…

Josh! Are they going to kill him, too?

NO! I screamed in my mind.

You can’t take me! I won’t surrender!

I awoke to find my body being shaken hard.

My head was groggy. My hands were cold.

“Lupe, oh God, you’re okay!”

I whipped my head up in a flash and my eyes wide open. “You can’t take me! I wont let you!”

“You’re- Lupe, wait, what?”

“Get away from me!” I shouted. My body parts were working again. I scrambled to my feet, but my eyes weren’t focusing on anything, and I tripped over my dress, about to fall-

And Adrian caught me.

Adrian. Oh God. He was okay.

I was okay.

“Adrian.” My mouth was dry.

I blinked and my eyesight became better. And I saw Adrian; who looked like he was about to go crazy. Maybe I was.

But, even still, I clung to Adrian and wrapped my arms around him.

“Lupe,” he said. “what’s wrong?”

“It was…” I got back on my feet and separated from him. My dress was partly ripped at the bottom. Pearl was going to kill me.

But I had more important things to think about.

“What happened?”

My face fell. I looked at Adrian with sadness. “I’m sorry, Adrian. I’m so, so sorry. The shadows…they got to me…”

“Are they still here?” Adrian didn’t doubt me. I loved that quality about him.

But, as I looked around, I noticed everything looked, well, normal. Nothing broken. No instruments playing.

No shadows.

“No.” I said, my voice breaking. The shadows had got away.

Adrian sighed, and looked around. “There’s a lot of explaining you need to do.”

I shook my head. “No-”

“Lupe.” His voice was as uneven as mine. “I thought you were dead. You were. No pulse, no heartbeat, I’m not joking. Do you know how scared I was?”

I paused.

“Lupe…you can’t…do that to me. You need to tell me.” He looked me in the eye. “No hiding anything.”

“The shadows.” Then I gave up, and spilt everything out to him, and told him absolutely the truth.

“I can see why you didn’t want to tell me.”

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