Chapter 5

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 “Josh only told me the basics.”

I looked at him. He sat on my bed, grabbing a packet of crisps I had got and opening them. Confident, much? “My mum and dad go out every so often.” I explained to him. “And either me or Pearl have to babysit for Jesse and Adam.”

“Which are downstairs?”

I nodded. “My brothers…well, they’re quite immature. My parents don’t trust them on their own.” An image of both their small bodies sprawled unconscious on the stairs ran through my mind, and gave me a shudder. “And, frankly, I don’t either.”

Oh.” He made a dismissive gesture. “All boys are like that, right?”

“Including you? I can’t imagine you as immature.”

Adrian laughed faintly, but it was somewhat distant. “I don’t know.”

I glanced at him again, and noticed he wasn’t so happy. His expression had turned sour. “You alright?” I asked him.

As soon as those words escaped my lips, though, he suddenly jerked and his expression was happy again. And he didn’t answer my question, either. “Anything exciting happen before I got here?”

Once he asked that, I couldn’t control myself. “I thought my brothers were dead, actually.”

Huh?” His expression didn’t expect this. But, he should know. I’m a pretty weird teenager.

“Well.” I began to explain the situation. About seeing them as soon as I got in, and trying to wake them up. Even about using my own magic to wake them up. In a way, I couldn’t believe I had just burst out with all the information. But it just seemed right.

Adrian’s face was serious the whole time I explained, which I was thankful for. I knew I was weird, but, deep down, I didn’t want him thinking I was some kind of psycho. He was a good listener, too.

“So,” I finished, leaning against my wardrobe door, “of course, I asked them about it when I had got them sorted. And they didn’t tell me! They just said to ‘forget it’. They won’t tell me a thing, and they’re making out that they probably fell or something.” I frowned. “Okay, maybe they did, but…I don’t know, it doesn’t seem right.”

Adrian folded his arms. “How could they have fell?”


“You said you found them on the top step. It’s the top step, right? I’d understand if they fell downstairs – but how can they fall when their at the top? It’s impossible.”

It took a minute for the words to digest. When they did, and I looked at Adrian’s face, my eyes widened. I was suddenly scared.

“Adrian,” I said, “Your right. And they’ve not got any scratches for a fight. Mum and dad fed them before they went out…so they couldn’t of faint through lack of food. They don’t faint, anyway. What… happened?”

He looked as baffled as I was. He put the crisps down and ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t think what could’ve happened. You said no marks, yeah?”

I nodded.

“I don’t know; but it’s weird how nothing but your magic made them unconscious. Maybe they were meddling with some of your stuff and didn’t want to tell you.”

“But I had my spell book with me.” I said.

He shrugged. “Then my thoughts are all with you. I can’t think of anything else. Maybe they’ll tell you another time, or it really was nothing.”

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