Chapter 3

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When I got back to the all the boys – it turned out it wasn’t all the boys. “Lorenzo and Kevin left ages ago.” Josh told me, and I glanced at the green grass below me to reveal a Ben that was still very much reading my spell book. He looked about halfway through.

The walk I had with Adrian was a big surprise. I thought he’d just ask me question’s about my magic, because, let’s face it, that’s the only interesting thing about me, but he didn’t. He asked me about my family, friends, my background, even about school.

And there was a pretty sentimental moment with Adrian when we finally got to the bridge.

“Remember when I said about my dad taking me here?” he said, leaning over the side of the bridge. Underneath was par of the small lake, and masses of green foliage and trees.

I nodded. Looking at this beauty…I didn’t want to talk. I just wanted to look and stare.

I had seen this sight many time before, and, to a normal person, it would be a pretty murky lake with wild tree’s and plants dipping into the water and hiding most of the forest. But it was different to me. The woods was just a part of me that I never got sick of.

“Well…” He said quietly. “He took me here lots. We used to look over the bridge, just like this…” He looked at me. “And we’d just stand and talk. About life. Sometimes, about death. See, my dad was ill back then.”

“I’m sorry.” I said apologetically.

“No, it’s okay. He’s a little better now, but my mum has to look after him now. I don’t know what was wrong with him – he never told me. But I guess it was serious, because he once told me this weird riddle, and then we never came here again. I never solved it, but I still remember it now, if you want to hear it.”

I nodded again for his approval. I realised I didn’t want to ruin this moment, because it was actually quite nice. He seemed to feel the same kind of emotion here as I did. “Go on.”

“He said to me: ‘Son, what’s worth a million pounds but comes free to you?’. Yeah, it was that.”

I thought about it. Huh. It was harder than I expected. What’s worth a million pounds but comes free to you? It doesn’t make sense, I thought.

We stood for a couple minutes in silence, thinking about it, and looking down at the lake.

It’s obviously got to be an object, I said to myself. So what?

Maybe something inherited?

And now – when I look at Adrian, he seems to have a different look about him. I see him differently now – just after that one talk.


“Well?” Josh said, interrupting my thoughts. “Can’t I teleport with you?”

“Wait, Josh.” I said. “Why did Lorenzo and Kevin leave?”

He shrugged. “Kevin’s parents are pretty strict – they always want him home at certain times. And I don’t know about Lorenzo – maybe t was because he was sulking.”

I looked at Adrian. “Huh. I should speak to Lorenzo-”

“No, you shouldn’t.” Adrian disagreed. “He’ll calm down tomorrow, and he’ll understand what he did was wrong.”

“He’s right, Lupe.” Josh added. “Lorenzo sulks all the time.”

“He’s a bit soggy around the edges.” Ben said, and I looked at him.

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