Get to know Cassandra Caine

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Name: Cassandra Caine
Vigilante name: BatWing
Age: 13
DOB: July 5, 1997 (going by the year the show came out and subtracted 10 from 2003)
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 98lbs.
Home town: Manhattan, NY
Natural hair colour: Dark brown
Current hair colour: black with blue streaks
Hair style: short reaches down to shoulders and is sometimes pulled into a small ponytail
Natural eye colour: green
Current eye color: royal blue
General appearance (citizen): a green hoodie with a black tee shirt underneath, a pair of bright blue skinny jeans, and a pair of black combat boots (the one's she uses in her vigilante look)
General appearance (vigilante): a black tank top with a blue bat across the chest, black skinny jeans/leggings, black combat boots with blue outline, a belt to hold her escrima sticks while out on patrol, a black domino mask
Tattoos: NA
Piercings (other than ear lobes): right nostril
Scars: one on her right knee, one on her upper lip, and another under her left knee
Family: Kathy Caine (sister), Casey Jones (sister's best friend that Cassandra looks up to like an older brother)
Friends: Unknown
Allies: The Justice Force, the Turtles, Casey Jones, Turtle Titan (she doesn't know its Mikey)
Enemies: Purple Dragons, Shredder, Karai, The Foot
Years of training: 7 years
Weaponary: escrima sticks that can be put together to make a bo staff
Mentor: NA
Personality: (you'll just have to wait and see because hint hint, she really doesn't have a personality)

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