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"Finally, I'm getting tired of someone taking out all the Purple Dragons," another creature spoke wearing a red mask and his voice made him sound like he was from Brooklyn.
I continue running across the rooftops not wanting to fight anyone at the moment. I already took out some of the Purple Dragons and I took on Casey. And now there are four creatures wanting to fight me. Better take the defense. I skid to a stop and turn around facing them. Four on one. Not too bad. I can do this, I think.
They stopped as well all of them just looking at me.
"You're a female?" The one in the blue mask asked in shock.
'No dip Sherlock.' I think.
"You're just a kid." The one in the red mask spoke.
"For your information I'm not just a kid." I shot back putting my hands on my hips glaring at them. "Look, you either move so I can return something to a friend of mine the Purple Dragons decided to steal." I say trying to walk past them.
"And where do you think you're going? We can't let you go until we fight." The red one says pulling out his twin sai.
"Yeah, I know." I look at them and smirk. "Then how 'bout a chase sequense? If you catch me we will have that precious fight you want to have." I say and and begin to run off in a different direct then the way I was heading.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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