Chapter 10

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"Lisa, don't you think you should maybe take it easy?"

"Wayne, it has been days, I'm fine, Doc Thompson said I can get back to my old routine."

"I know, but maybe you shouldn't jump right back in."

"Wayne, you need to stop worrying."

"I can't stop Lisa."

She started laughing but stopped when she saw that I'm dead serious.

"You are really worried, aren't you?"

"Of course Lisa."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Not taking you serious, Wayne, I'll be fine, Ian will be with me the whole day. Nella made sure my schedule isn't too hard on me."

"Are you sure you are up to this?"

I know I should just trust her judgement but I don't want to see her tiring herself out. She walked closer and took my hand, "I'll be fine Wayne."

She kissed me on the cheek and walked to the bathroom, things have really improved between us the last couple of days. Lisa stayed in bed most of the day and then in the evenings we had dinner together and just talked. Why I thought I needed to do something special to get to know her, I don't know. Turns out, just talking while sitting in bed eating dinner also does the trick. I got dressed and made up the bed.



She looks embarrassed, "Would you come help me with my make-up?"

I grinned while walking to her, I hope she realise that I haven't practice since that day we watched the videos. In the bathroom Lisa was busy trying to fix her make-up, she actually looks beautiful, even though her make-up is a mess.

"Stop smiling at my mess and come help."

"I'm not smiling at your mess; I'm smiling at the thought that you are my wife."

I actually just want to kiss her; we might be getting closer but we are not at that place just yet.

"Smooth, now stop staring and help, I'm already running late."

I walked closer and told her to sit down, I hope I know what I'm doing.

Lisa's perspective

It took Wayne just five minutes to fix my mess. After that we went down for breakfast, both his parents were already there, eating.
"Morning Lisa, it's great to see you up and around."

"Morning, Mom, Dad, it's great to be up and around."

I sat down on my usual seat, Wayne sat down next to me. It's strange to be around the table with the family during the week, since we all usually just follow our own schedule. Someone placed a plate in front of me, I looked up, straight into Zane's eyes. I thought there would be dislike him them, but no, he still looks at me the same he has from day one. I look away yet I still feel his eyes on me.

"Thank you Zane."

"Pleasure L...Princess."

He turned to Wayne, "What can I bring you, your majesty?"

Zane's voice was friendly enough but underneath it's clear he doesn't like Wayne at all.

"The usual, thank you Zane."

Zane went to go get it. Either Wayne didn't pick up on Zane's tone of voice or he deliberately ignored it because he was being sincerely friendly with Zane. My heart immediately swelled with pride about my husband's ability to not hold a grudge. Looking towards the hallway I can see that Ian on the other side holds a grudge, he was eyeing Zane with an irritated look on his face. Zane placed Wayne's usual breakfast in front of him, he then gave me a look before he walked away.

"Lisa, do you two have any plans for tonight?"

"No, not that I know of, Wayne?"

"Can't think of any, why?"

"I told Lisa we want to invite her parents for dinner, so I invited them for tonight, if it works for you two?"

I can't wait, this is going to be awesome.

"I look forward to it, I have only met her parents once, at the wedding."

I look to him startled, I didn't even know this, I always assumed that they met each other before hand. Would my dad really have agreed to this marriage without meeting the groom first?

"Great, dinner is at six, if you can both be back by then it would be great."

My day is done by five, it gives me enough time to get back here in time.

"I might be a few minutes late; my last appointment might run a bit late."

"No problem Wayne, we'll explain it to them, how about you Lisa? Will you be on time?"

"Yes, I'll be here."

"Great, also do you maybe want to talk to the chef and tell him what he should prepare?"

"I wish I could Ma'am, I'm already running late as it is."

I quickly at the last of my breakfast and excused myself, I gave Wayne a kiss on the cheek before heading out to start my day. Ian followed me down the hallway until Luke called him back. Instead of waiting for him like I should I continued walking, till I came outside.

"I knew you would come to see me Lisa."

I jumped around, Zane is leaning against the wall, looking pleased.

"Excuse me?"

"I knew you would catch my message."

What is this guy talking about?

"I'm sorry if you think I caught some message, I'm actually just following my usual routine, now if you would excuse me I forgot something inside. Oh and Zane, it's Princess, never ever Lisa."

Wayne's perspective

I'm already ten minutes late, no matter how many times I tried to excuse myself I just couldn't get out of the meeting earlier. Instead of going to our room to change clothes like I would like to I walked to the dining room with Luke behind me. Outside the dining room was Ian and Paul, it must be Fred's turn to be present inside the room. I'm actually glad to see Ian outside, I want to ask him how Lisa held up.

"Hey Ian."


"How did it go?"

"It went well sir, she looks to be back to normal after the sickness and injury. She did however look distracted at the beginning of the day. I think something might have happened, while I was talking to Luke about today."

"Yes, I asked Luke to talk to you, I'll ask Lisa about it, thank you Ian."

"Anytime sir."

I open the dining room, everyone looked up, Lisa isn't here, neither is Fred.

"Good evening, Ma'am, Sir."

I greeted her parents before I greeted mine. Once that was out of the way, I asked what I wanted the know from the second I opened the door.

"Where's Lisa?"

"Kitchen, Fred is with her."

I know my mom added the last part to assure me she is fine but I'm still worried. Maybe I should go look for her, but then I'll be rude to her parents. Conversation started up again, I tried to focus but couldn't, what is taking Lisa so long? Where is she? Is she okay?

"Prince Wayne?"

Luke is in the doorway looking serious, "Yes?"

"May I have a moment of your time sir?"

"Of course. Sorry about the interruption, I'll be right back."

I quickly got up and walked out, in the hall was only Luke, I wonder where Ian went.

"What is it Luke?"

"Sir, we can't find Princess Lisa."

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