Chapter 1: Reunited

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Riley's POV

I walked down to the cute little coffee shop that was located below my apartment to meet Farkle, Lucas and the rest of the gang for our morning coffee since we were all off work today except Lucas, which is why it's kinda early. When I got in there they were all sitting on the sofa chatting.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm running a little late." I sighed as I sat down.

"Riley I thought you were right behind me?" Farkle asked confused.

"Yeah I originally was, I was thinking about calling Maya before I came down." I explained to them.

"As in Maya Hart?" Lucas asked.

"Yes Lucas, what other Maya do we know." I said sarcastically.

"Why would you want to call her? She just up and leaves us all with no word said and doesn't keep in contact. I say to hell with her." Lucas snapped.

"Actually, she did try reaching out to me recently. You know Maya, she isn't subtle, even when she tries." I replied.

"What did she want Riley?" Farkle asked politely. He always understood why Maya left town and never turned back. He's always believed she would be a force to be reckoned with someday and I agree with him.

"She invited us all to her wedding, which is today. I didn't think you guys would be up for going so I just didn't say anything about it." I replied feeling a little ashamed.

"Well, good for her, I hope she's happy." Lucas retorted, he's still really hurt over her leaving. As much as he denies it, you can tell he's never stopped caring about Maya.

"Lucas stop being so hostile. She obviously needed to just get out of this town and she's clearly found happiness so just be happy for her instead of dwelling. Isn't that what you always wanted for her was to be happy? Remember in middle school? 'I want Maya to be happy' what happened to the guy that just wanted happiness for her?" I asked him.

"He among all of you got hurt by her leaving so I'm sorry if I resent her." He scowled.

We all quickly changed the topic quickly and started casual conversation until Lucas had to go. After that we still stayed and continued talking until someone ran in wearing a white beautiful dress. I instantly knew it was her. I got up quickly and went up to her.

"Maya Hart?" I spoke up loudly so she could hear me.

"Riley, oh my god, thank god I found you." She said in a panic after turning to me.

"Maya, come sit down." We all made room for her on the sofa. "Aren't you supposed to be getting married today? What's going on?"

"I couldn't do it Riles, it didn't feel right. Not only about him, but how I left you guys, I'm so sorry to all of you. Wait, where's Lucas?" Maya asked me.

"He's at work. It's going to be a shock to him that you're even here. So let him come around when he finds out, okay?" I calmly said to her. "Why don't you come upstairs with me and we'll get you changed so you're not wearing this dress all day."

"Yeah that sounds good." Maya replied as she smiled. "Farkle we'll have to catch up soon."

"Of course, I live across the hall from Riley, so I'll see you sooner then you think." He smiled at her and then we headed upstairs.

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