Chapter 4: I'll Always Be Okay

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Maya's POV

After talking to the manager of the coffee shop, it seemed my chances were really high given he was desperate for help and it's full time, like Riley said something is better then nothing. I decided to sit down there for breakfast that morning and to also call mom and Shawn. They're probably so angry with me right now. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I hit my moms contact, before I hit dial, I kinda just stared at it for a second then hit it to get this over with.

Maya: Mom?
Katy: Maya, what were you thinking running out like that?
Maya: I know it was really messed up, but you need to hear me out.
Katy: Everyone pulled so much money together to make that wedding happen, not so you would run.
Maya: Are you finished so I can explain?
Katy: Continue.
Maya: Mom, I love you, I do, but I wasn't happy, I haven't been for a long time. Seeing everything opened my eyes, I couldn't marry someone I didn't actually love. I didn't want to feel trapped for the rest of my life or have to go through divorce. It just didn't feel right anymore and I couldn't do it.
Katy: Where are you?
Maya: In the city..
Katy: So this is about your friends?
Maya: No. This is all me. They're the ones I wanted to see after my impulsive decision. So I decided I'm staying here.
Katy: This is ridiculous.
Maya: Actually it's not. It's quite simple. I don't want to live my life pleasing other people, I want to live it for myself and this was the best option for me to take. I missed Riley, Lucas and Farkle so much since you and Shawn made me move. It was the hardest thing in the world leaving them behind. I'm lucky that Riley and Farkle are so forgiving, Lucas on the other hand is going to take some work. You're clearly too deluded to see what a hell my life has been since you took me away from them and I don't even have the heart to tell them why I really had to leave.
Katy: You won't survive out there on your own.
Maya: Watch me.

-end phone conversation-

Well, that could have went as badly as I expected it to. Now that, that's over with I can get on with things. I heard someone clear their throats from behind me. I turned around to see Lucas standing there.

"Hey.. Lucas. I didn't know you were there, how much of that did you hear?" I asked him.

"I heard enough. Why didn't you tell us they made you move?" He answered my question with another question.

"We don't have to talk about this. This isn't me giving you time." I said quietly.

"Maya, I was angry, I didn't mean what I said." He admitted.

"You're right though, I run when things get though or don't work to my advantage." I replied. "I can go, so I don't disturb you while you're trying to get coffee." I added in as I started to get up and he stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"You're not going anywhere, Hart. You're going to sit down and talk to me." He said in a stern voice.

"There's nothing to explain Lucas, you heard enough to know the real reason, it wasn't my choice, can we just drop it?" I replied.

"I'm going to stop you right there. Since when do you just call me Lucas..? That was never in your vocabulary of things to call me." He joked with me.

"I grew up I guess. Also with how mad you were it probably wasn't the best time to be calling you old nicknames." I explained.

"Oh come on, I know the old Maya is still in there." He responded. "You couldn't have changed all that much over the years."

"Well, I guess I did. I lost the people that meant the world to me." I replied.

"You didn't lose us. We're all right here still." He said with a confused look.

"Did you guys show up to my wedding?" I simply asked.

"Well, no." He answered.

"Exactly my point. I have a lot of lost time to make up for. It's not that easy." I said. "I have a lot of things to fix and that also includes within myself."

"I'm not just going to leave you alone, that would be too easy." He replied.

"Don't you have a job to get to like everyone else today?" I said in annoyed voice.

"Nope, I'm the only one off today, afraid to say you're stuck with me for the day." He responded following a huge grin on his face.

"Wipe that stupid grin off your face before I knock it off Ranger Rick.." I said as I grabbed the collar of his shirt without thinking and from that point I knew I was screwed.

"There she is!" He said loudly.

"Well played. I'm still not explaining myself or the situation." I reassured him.

"Looks like I'm all you got toots." He responded leaning back into the couch smirking.

"Really? Toots? What did you do get that from a joke on popsicle stick?" I said sarcastically.

"Please.. a popsicle stick? I prefer Laffy Taffy jokes. Much more realistic jokes." He said to me in a lowered voice.

"I should have known you got it from something that's edible, you couldn't pick up a good punch line if it were staring at you in the face." I replied nonchalantly. Lucas has really changed, he actually punches back now instead of just letting it happen.

"At least I know where I can go now for a good punch line, I won't have to cater myself to food anymore for jokes when I have a walking, talking meme right next to me." He said with no expression.

"Mmm, you slay me with your humor." I replied. "As much as I'd love to stick around to make fun of you, I have things to do today." I said while gathering my things to get up.

"You can't escape me forever Hart, I'm sure I'll be over at your's and Riley's place later on."

It Had To Be You (Lucaya)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin