Chapter 14: Too Late

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Maya's POV

Smackle literally drove so fast, I thought I was going to die before I would even see Lucas. She got us to the airport in literally 20 minutes. There's no way I would have gotten here this quickly had I taken an actual cab here. I got there just as the plane was landing so I had time to compose myself before I see him. I've only been dreaming of having a more then friends moment with Lucas. I shut my feelings off in high school because Riley was all hung up on him then. Riley is my forever and I'd do anything for her. It was the hardest thing ever to watch them be together in high school. This time was different, she wants Lucas and I together. The airport started opening the gate, it seemed like it was taking longer for him to come out. After a few more seconds I saw him. This woman next to him dropped her purse on the ground. Being the type of guy Lucas is, he picked it up for her. They were staring at each other for a few seconds and he leaned in and kissed her. My heart sank to my stomach. I turned around and ran back to Smackle's taxi.

"Drive." I yelled at her as I got in the car.

"What? Where's Lucas?" She asked me.

"Don't worry about Lucas, let's just go." I told her.

Smackle didn't ask anymore questions she just drove. She was the one person that understood that when I wanted quiet and to be left alone, she was the one that did just that. When we got back to the apartment I bolted through the door and went directly at Farkle.

"You!" I yelled at him as I grabbed the shirt of his collar and had him super close to my face.

"What did I do?" He asked in a confused tone of voice.

"You- you told me he liked me.. I literally gave my hopes up for nothing. I hope you're happy." I said as I let go of his shirt. Before he could say anything Lucas walked in with her.

"Hey guys, I'm back." Lucas said to everyone as he shut the door.

"Lucas who's this?" Riley asked as she pointed to the woman who was standing next to Lucas.

"Oh, well, this is Jessica. My girlfriend." He replied as he put his arm around her. "Jess, this is Riley, Zay, Farkle, Smackle and Maya." He told her as he pointed everyone out to her.

"Nice to meet you all finally, Lucas has told me so many wonderful things about all of you." She replied with a warm smile. A smile that made me sick.

I couldn't take being in this room anymore, I've seen enough of them today. I walked away as everyone was greeting her. I went in my room and slammed my bedroom door shut. I laid down on my bed and held my pillow as tightly as possible to my chest. This was possibly the worst decision I have ever made in my life. The worst about all of it is that I was going to pour my heart out to him, that's what was hurting me the most. I knew he wasn't going to wait around forever, but I didn't expect it to be so fast since I literally just found out a week ago that he even liked me. I heard my door open, when I looked up I saw Riley.

"Riles I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said quietly.

"Peaches, I don't buy that for a second. I can see the tears in your eyes. This isn't typical Maya behavior." She said to me as she sat next to me on my bed.

"I wish I could take back even finding out." I admitted to her.

"I know, I was so excited because I was so sure you two would finally get together and this happens." She said to me and pulled me to her to comfort me.

"I don't like her Riles." I said quietly in her arms.

"I know you don't. That was made clear after your abrupt door slamming. He was asking if you were okay and none of us know what to say." She explained to me.

"Good, I want to keep it that way. This was all a mistake." I replied.

"Well, Maya. He wants to come talk to you.." she added in from me cutting her off.

"I don't want to see him tonight. I just need space from everyone." I told her.

"Okay, I understand. Take all the time you need. I'll get everyone out of the apartment so you can have it to yourself until tonight, but I'll come back alone. That way it's quiet for you."  She replied to me.

"Thank you Riles. I love you." I said to her.

"I love you, too peaches. Feel better." She said as she hugged me before she left the room.

I waited until I heard the voices fade and the door shut. I need to take my mind off this for awhile. I went in the living room and watched a movie. I brought out a bottle of wine and a wine glass from the kitchen and sat on the table. I normally don't drink too much, but it's something to keep the edge off. By the time the movie was done I had drank a little more then I anticipated given I almost fell over when I got up to go to the bathroom. I grabbed my phone off the kitchen table and went back in to the living room and started scrolling through my contacts out of sheer boredom. It also distracted me from being a bit intoxicated. I kept scrolling until a name stuck out to me. I clicked on the contact and called them.

"Hey, can you come over.." the person seemed hesitant at first as what to say.
"Yes, I'm sure. I really need to see you."

I sat my phone down and continued to watch tv until I heard knocking on the door. I opened the door to a familiar face.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

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