Character Profile - Kara

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Name: Kara

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 162cm


She has waist-length, black hair which is held back with a clip and decorated with two blue feathers

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She has waist-length, black hair which is held back with a clip and decorated with two blue feathers. With the exception of the right-side of her fringe and a braid on the left-side of her head. Her eyes are dark green and she has a faint scar under her right eye from a fight when she was a child. She wears a black tunic with a light blue vest over top and black trousers with black boots. Also, she wears bracers on her arms (see below) and a beaded necklace around her neck.

 Also, she wears bracers on her arms (see below) and a beaded necklace around her neck

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Weapons: A katana which is strapped to her waist (left-side).  A set of 5 throwing knives attached to her right thigh. And, a bow and quiver on her back (she later gives these to Yona).

Occupation: Second General of the Wind Tribe (basically second in charge after Hak and is in charge of training their soldiers).

Family: Hak (adoptive older brother), Tae-Yeon (adoptive younger brother) and Son Mundok (adoptive grandfather).

Background: Kara was an orphan who lived on the streets until she was 8. Then, after being attacked by a group of thugs, she was rescued by General Mundok. He later adopted her and took her back to Fuuga with him, where she met Hak. She later met Yona and Soo-won during a trip to the palace and became their friend. Over the years, she made a name for herself as a warrior, like Hak. They both earned the names 'the Black Samurai' and 'Thunder Beast' respectively. Hak eventually became the General of the Wind Tribe and named Kara his second. When Hak also became Yona's bodyguard, Kara was offered the same position but declined saying that Hak was more than capable of protecting Yona and that someone needed to help Mundok with the Wind tribe while Hak wasn't there. Despite this, Kara makes frequent visits to Hiryuu Castle to see them.

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