01 - Hiryuu Castle

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Kara's POV

Here I am again, I thought, as Hiryuu Castle came into view.

I nudged my horse to go faster as I was in a hurry.

Today was Princess Yona's 16th birthday...and I was late arriving.

Instead of arriving this morning as planned, an unexpected complication had delayed my journey. This meaning that I hadn't arrived until early afternoon. I had no doubt that I had missed the official ceremony announcing Yona's birthday.

Then again, knowing Yona, she probably didn't attend either.

I smirk to myself. As much as I love Yona, and I do, the way she acts when she knows that Soo-won is going to visit is a tad ridiculous.

Also, it pained me to see my brother, Hak, locked firmly in the friend zone despite his obvious feelings.

Well when I say obvious, I mean that if I so much as breathe a word about it to Yona, it would result in a very painful death for me delivered personally by my dearest brother.

It doesn't stop me teasing him about it though. ;)

Anyway, as I enter the castle, the guards quickly wave me through. I visited so often that nearly all the guards know me by sight. And if not, my name alone is enough to get me through the gate.

Realising that I'm even later than I thought, I quickly ride over to the stables and leave my horse with the stable-hands and head further into the castle.

Years ago, when Jii-chan first brought me here, I thought it was like a maze.

But now it's almost like a second home as I navigated the corridors to my destination.

Familiar voices soon grew louder as I got closer.

"There's nothing wrong with your hair Yona, isn't that right Hak?" The King's voice echoed.

It seemed Yona was once again complaining about her hair. Why, I could never understand. Her crimson hair was beautiful and unique. But did Yona see it that way? Nooo.

My brother quickly replied in his usual fashion, "Yes, King Il. Who would dare say that about Hime-sama's hair? If anything was wrong with her, it would be her brain."

I chuckled at that.

However, Yona must have not found it so amusing as the sound of crashing and objects being thrown could be heard.

I was now just outside her room, pausing briefly to hear Yona's comeback.

"Baka! Father, do something about him. If only Kara was here, she wouldn't let you be so mean to me"

Smiling, I swung open the door saying, "As the princess wishes, so shall it be."

Yona quickly dropped the book she was holding and hurled herself at me, almost knocking me back out of the room.

"Kara! You're here!" she squealed with her arms locked around my neck.

"As if I would miss your 16th birthday," I say while returning her hug. Yona's only answer was to tighten her grip on me.

But luckily I knew just the thing to get her to stop trying to crush me.

"Also I have your present."

That made the princess rapidly release me.

Still the same Yona, I see.

Reaching into my travel bag, I pulled out a carefully wrapped parcel which I promptly handed it to Yona. After a nod from me, she quickly tore into it.

Inside was something I knew Yona would absolutely love.

It was a pink kimono dress with a blossom flower pattern.

"I was thinking that you might have been having trouble deciding what to wear tonight and I thought I'd save you the trouble. You, yourself, have said that I have an eye for these things, despite hardly ever wearing them."

Once again I'm nearly knocked over as Yona throws herself at me for the second time today.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." she shrieks into my ear.

Releasing me, the princess runs over to show the dress to her handmaidens, where they all coo over the dress. Leaving me to address the other occupants in the room.

"Your majesty, it's good to see you again," I say, bowing my head in respect.

"You as well, Kara. I trust all is going well in Fuuga?" King Il replies smiling.

"As well as it can be." I smiled, thinking about Tae-woo and Han-dae always falling asleep when on guard duty, which promptly lead me to scaring them awake. That never got boring.

"Good, good. I trust that I will see you later tonight at the party?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I laughed. King Il gave me once last smile before departing the room.

I sighed. Il hadn't changed either. Sooner or later he was going to have to realise that his peaceful way of life wouldn't last. Someone would always take advantage.

Finally, I turned to my brother. We shared a smile before hugging. It had been months since we had last saw one another.

Pulling away, Hak looked down at me before smirking and saying, "Have you gotten shorter?"

Instantly, I scowled and reached up to hit the back of his head. "Uruse! (Shut up)"

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