02 - Under the Blossom Tree

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3rd Person POV

After spending some time catching up with Hak, Kara wandered the gardens inside the castle walls. They were always beautiful to see, particularly this time of year since the gardeners would plant red roses to celebrate Yona's birthday.

Her favourite spot was under the giant blossom tree that grew in the centre of the garden. Kara could recall many happy memories of her, Hak, Yona and Soo-won playing under the tree as children. It was for that reason that blossom trees were her favourite.

As she approached the tree, Kara could make out another person through the low hanging branches. Pushing them aside revealed none other than Soo-won, who was standing there lost in thought.

"You are aware that this is my spot, right?"

Kara's voice jerks Soo-won out of his thoughts and causes him to jump in surprise.

"Kara," he replies while smiling, "as far as I know the garden belongs to the king."

Kara moves to lean on the tree trunk before replying, "well if the king has a problem with it, he can fight me for it. Which is something we both know he wouldn't do."

She smirks at her challenge but her lips promptly drop as she sees the slight scowl on Soo-won's face. However, as quickly as it came, his scowl disappeared.

"Are you alright, Soo-won?" Kara asked, frowning.

His face now couldn't be brighter as Soo-won smiled down at Kara. "I'm fine. Gomen (sorry). I am just tired from traveling."

"I know what you mean. At least you didn't get jumped by a couple of would be thieves on your journey," she sighed, leaning her head back on the tree trunk. Because of this, Kara missed the shock and then distress on Soo-won's face.

Instantly, he starts fussing over Kara. Even pulling her up to look for any injuries. All Kara could do is giggle at his actions.

"Soo-won, let go. I'm fine," she reassures him. Reaching up, she gently pushes him back to arms length causing him to drop his arms. "As if I would let a common thief harm me. You should know better," Kara scolds him.

"Gomen. I know you can fight," he sighs, "but like with Hak, I still worry."

"No need. My brother and I are invincible. Nothing could kill us," Kara laughs.

"All men die, Kara."

"Well, that sucks for Hak but, in case it has escaped your notice, I am no man."

They laugh loudly at Kara's words, even drawing the attention of those passing by. To Kara, it felt just like old times. Before their visits to Hiryuu castle became less frequent as they got older and had more responsibilities.

"That is true," Soo-won says while still laughing, "but still, promise me that you won't be reckless. I wouldn't want to lose any of you."

"Of course. But, between you and me, I have no intention of dying anytime soon."


So I tried 3rd person for this chapter. I'm not sure whether I should stick with it or 1st person. For now, I'm going to do a mixture of both. So let me know which you think is better.

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