05 - The Betrayal

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The picture above is what I imagined Kara would look like but with longer hair and green eyes. (I do not own this image All rights go to the owner.)


3rd Person POV

It had been hours since Kara had left to her room and night had fallen over Kouka. After wrestling her sword out of the box it had been hidden in, Kara had gone to her room and had slept. Only for a few hours but still, she was feeling better. Especially since she had changed back into her regular clothes. While she had nothing against dresses, the restrictiveness of wearing them made her uneasy. Particularly if she ever needed to fight, the dress would have severely hindered her fighting ability.

But with that nightmare over, Kara began to wonder why King Il had wanted to speak with her. She was supposed to meet him an hour ago, but a messenger had knocked on her door earlier relaying a message from the king that Soo-Won had spoken with him and that she was excused. However, it still weighed on her mind. What could have been so important that the king had needed to speak with her privately.

With that in mind, Kara got up from her bed and made her way to the door, grabbing her sword on the way.

She didn't know why she brought her sword with her. Whether it was just habit or a gut instinct that she might need it, Kara didn't know. But as she walked down the hallways towards the kings chambers, she began to feel it was the latter.

Where were the guards?

The hallways were to quiet. Even for a night of celebration like today, there should have been soldiers posted here to protect the king. But no one was in sight.

Kara slowed her steps, going completely silent as an ominous feeling drifted over her mind. However, as she turned to a corner, she walked right into someone she wasn't expecting.

"Yona? What are you doing here?" Kara whispered, grasping the young princess's hands. Only to find them wet. Looking down, Kara raised her hands to inspect them. Even in the dark, there was no mistaking it.

"Blood," she uttered, looking back to the princess, taking in her glassy eyes and blank face. Suddenly, a loud crash came from the other end of the corridor. Guards emerged, one of which pointed at the princess, "There she is. Capture the princess!"

Without any hesitation, Kara ran pulling Yona along with her. They sprinted downs numerous hallways but no one was to be found except the guards that pursued them. Finally, Kara and Yona came upon an empty courtyard. There was an exit just ahead but then the most thing happened.

Yona tripped.

However, the action didn't just take the princess down but also Kara who had a tight grip on her hand. This small lapse allowed the guards time to not only catch up but surround them as well.

Seeing that they were trapped, Kara saw no choice but to draw her katana. When they came at her, she would be ready.

But she was not ready for what she saw next.

More people had entered the courtyard. And it was none other than Soo-Won, followed by a dark haired man that she didn't know.

When Kara's eyes met his, Soo-Won stepped back in shock.

"Kara," he muttered, before regaining his composure. Upon seeing him and the bloodied sword that he held, Kara's eyes had hardened. Her cold expression was the only confirmation that he needed to know that she had figured out what he had done. Only the death of King Il would have Yona reacting in such a way.

It pained Soo-Won to see Kara looking at him with such frozen eyes. He had hoped she wouldn't see this. If only she had remained in her room like he asked.

The guards had begun to converge on Kara and the princess. Spears were pointed at them and Kara braced herself, poised ready to fight. But just as they got too close for comfort, another came swooping in.

 But just as they got too close for comfort, another came swooping in

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With a single swing of his spear, he took out the closest guards. Striking them down.

"I knew that Lord Soo-Won was here tonight, so I was trying to stay out of your way. But there are guards here, who are supposed to be on watch. There are those that I don't recognise either," said Hak, as moved to stand next to Kara. "What is going on here, Soo-Won-sama?"

The icy glares of both siblings were now on Soo-Won, who looked a little lost for words at the turn of events.

"H Hak? Kara?" Yona spoke up for the first time. Her voice barely audible. But they both heard her. Hak kneeled in front of her as Kara kept watch on the guards.

"I'm sorry for leaving your side, hime-sama," apologised Hak.

"Hak, Kara... are you....are you on my side?"

Both the siblings' eyes widen at that before Kara reached out and patted Yona's head. "Of course we are, Yona-chan.

Hak smiled at the two before standing up, "I promised King Il that I would protect you no matter what. And I'll obey him no matter what." Hak turned to face Soo-Won again, but not before adding, "And you know Kara would do the same."

Kye-Sook chose then to intercede. "Weapons down servants. You are standing before King Soo-Won, the new master of Hiryuu castle." He smiled smugly, obviously not knowing who he was addressing.

Kara scoffed while Hak asked, "Who's the master of what now?" Glancing at Kara, who only looked down at the floor, Hak continued, "I have a bad feeling about this but I'll ask. Soo-Won-sama, where is King Il?"

Kara waited for his reply. Praying to the gods that her suspicions were wrong. That all this was a joke and the king would come strolling in at any moment.

But that didn't happen.

"I just sent him to hell."

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