03 - Betrothal Dilemmas

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3rd Person POV

The day after Kara's arrival at the castle, Kara had spent most of the day reacquainting herself with her other friends in the capital. Her frequent visits meant that she knew most of the servants and nearly all of the guards as she would train with them while she was there. Also she liked to play pranks on Joo-Doh, the General of the Sky Tribe.

It would not be considered an unusual sight in the castle if you saw Kara fleeing through the corridors, quickly followed by an armed Joo-Doh covered in the aftermath of one of Kara's traps. The most memorable of which was when Kara was 11 years old and she managed to cover him in honey and chicken feathers. Joo-Doh had been so furious that he spent the rest of the day chasing Kara around the castle. Eventually, he was talked down by King Il and Mundok while Kara hid behind the General of the Earth Tribe, Geun-Tae, who had found her actions hilariously amusing and encouraged her to continue her pranks on Joo-Doh. He even helped carry out a few himself.

After wandering around for a while, Kara found herself in the courtyard. And she wasn't alone. It looked like Hak and Soo-Won had been practising their archery on horseback. At least until Yona came along, Kara realised, as she saw the princess on a horse with Soo-Won behind her.

"Isn't this against the rules?" Yona mumbled but Soo-Won seemed to have heard her, replying, "Eh?"

The princess blushed before rambling, "It's just that you seem to be used to dealing with women. I bet you bring lots of girls into your mansion." Soo-won remained silent which caused Yona to start freaking out. "I'm right?!" she cried.

"P...please, you're mistaken," stuttered Soo-Won as he noticed Kara walking into the courtyard towards Hak who was grooming his horse. He paused before quietly admitting, "Well, there may have been some discussion of engagement..."

"Engagement?" Yona squeaked, interrupting him.

"But nothing has been decided yet so let's not talk about this. There's no need for you to know," Soo-Won continued, turning his attention back to the princess.

"I've had engagement offers as well," lied Yona in an attempt to make him jealous.

"Really? To Whom?"

Yona hesitated before replying, "To Hak, and such."

Kara overhears this, turning to look at Yona with one eyebrow raised. Hak, on the other hand, freezes mid-brushstroke, also listening.

Unfazed by Yona's declaration, Soo-Won smiles and says, "Good. I think that seems wonderful. Congratulations."

Kara giggles under her breath at Yona and Hak's faces which are frozen in horror. Hearing her, Hak sharply elbows her in the ribs, cutting off her laughter. "Uruse! (Shut up)"


After that particular rejection, Yona hides away in her room with Hak and Kara. Leaning her head on the table, Yona groaned. "You're so cruel, Soo-Won. How could you believe that lie?"

"The cruel one is you and you're a nuisance," exclaimed Hak while Kara continued snickering beside him. "Guess you got your wish after all, Oniisan, (Big Brother)" she whispered to Hak. To which he responded with another elbow into her ribs, causing her to bend over.

"Your marriage might not be a lie after all," King Il called as he entered Yona's bedroom. "It would only be natural for you to be betrothed by now."

"No...No! I only want Soo-Won to..." Yona cried but she was cut off my her father.

"You can't have Soo-Won!" scowled King Il. Kara straightened up, looking at the king. It was rare to see him without a smile on his face, let alone standing his own ground.

Yona stood up, ignoring Min-Soo's attempts at getting her to back down, and said, "I don't want you speaking of my love life! I'm..."

The king interrupted Yona again, "Yona, I have always given you anything you ever desired. Beautiful hair ornaments, earrings, a royal villa and a flower garden. I would give you anything that is not a weapon. But no matter how much you wish it, I could never give you Soo-Won." He paused looking down at his daughter, before continuing, "You are the princess of the kingdom of Kouka. The one who marries you will become king!" After that, King Il left the room.

Yona's face was filled with horror and all Kara could feel was pity for her dear friend as she stuttered out, "But I don't understand......I don't understand, Chichiue (Father)"


Leaving Yona's room, Kara quickly caught up with the king, falling into step beside him. She remained silent, however, waiting for the king to speak first. There was a long pause before King Il finally sighed and said, "I said what was necessary Kara. I won't change my mind."

"You don't think you were a little harsh?" Kara spoke softly, glancing at him from the corner of her eyes.

The king sighed before coming to a stop. Kara copied his actions and then turned to face him head on.

"Despite what you may think, I have my reasons for denying Yona this..."

"Do tell," Kara interrupted, causing him to look sharply at her. Kara only raised her chin, refusing to drop eye contact.

The king chuckled at her fearlessness but continuing, "I cannot say but know this, I am doing it for her own good."

Kara stared at King Il, trying to see a way to force him to say but gave up quickly. He may have been a happy-go-lucky pacifist but his resolve was strong. That she couldn't deny.

Breathing out loudly, Kara turned slightly to face the window. "Nothing to be done then. Though I personally see no problem with the arrangement."

"You wouldn't. But there have been rumours going around that yourself and Soo-Won should be matched up..."

Kara whirled around to face him, shock radiating through her body. "What?! Me and Soo-Won? Me married? Ha! Kara exclaimed while internally thinking who may have started these rumours so she can hunt them down and throttle them.

King Il laughed at her expense. "Oh yes. Apparently, you were seen together in the gardens yesterday. A secret rendezvous perhaps," he teased.

"T that's not...I it wasn't. That is completely out of context and you know it!" Kara cried out. "Soo-Won and I are friends. Family, even. Me and him together..." The thought alone made her shiver.

"Peace, little one. I only meant to point out that you, yourself, are of marrying age and should start considering it."

Kara laughed, "Me, married. That's not going to happen any time soon. Besides, I refuse to marry any man who can't beat me in combat. And I have yet to meet anyone who can. Except Hak of course but he is my brother so."

Feeling uncomfortable with the conversation, Kara decided to make a quick exit. She excused herself from the king to head back in the direction of her own room. Yona's birthday party was tomorrow and Kara somehow knew that she would need all the strength she could get.

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