When You Are Unnoticed..

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We all know that someone who we keep our eyes on and stalk lol.

Whether they acknowledge us or not they really do keep you on your toes.

It's like in you head your screaming at them saying something like,"HELLO! I'M OVER HERE! Hello??" Or *waves hands frantically* HOW. DO. YOU. NOT. SEE. ME. I'M RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF YOU!"

Lol I can relate. Can't we all? All your teaches in school be like, "If you want people to notice you, you must take the first step."

And I'm like,"Ain't no way I'm telling him/her. What if he doesn't like me. And then he/she rejects me infront of the whole school? And then people bully me? And they I quit school and become homeless? And then what if some creepy scientist finds me and brings me to his lab and tells me not to push the red button and guess what I do? I push the red button! And then I kill the whole world's population?

See what I'm talking about.

It's horrible..

Love you crush 💖 Till we meet again ;) and go back to when I'm; unnoticed.

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