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Fake; not genuine; counterfeit.

That there, ladies and gentleman, is the definition of fake. Fake is such a strong word. Calling us fake or just people in general fake...

"People are fake! I'm so done with this!" you say.

Why honey, why? You calling me fake is fake. You know why? Because I don't talk to you. I don't treat you wrong. I don't talk bad about you. And yet child, you still have the nerve to call me fake? No.

"Well.. I.. it wasn't meant toward you." she will say. Oh but i'm pretty sure you just called my group fake,is that right? And as a group we stand together. Not call each other fake like you have mistakenly done.

You might as well lock me up with Rapunzel cause child you're making up stories...

(Haha.. Did you see what I did there?)

Anyways.. no hate towards y'all. Just next time you gonna judge me for being real and calling me the opposing, you better look into that mirror real hard, cause child... 

Ain't no one perfect. :)

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