The Presidental Election

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So if you live in America, or know anything about the United States, you know that the two most hated people are running for president.

That's right! Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Either way, our nation is screwed for the next four years, possibly eight depending on the election in 2020.

Well, needless to say, Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, and I think everyone is scared for what is going to happen, or what he is going to do.

Let's just talk about Trump for a minute.

First of all, you can compare his hair to ice cream and corn, and you can't even tell a difference! Amazing right?

Second, he thinks building a wall is going to fix every problem this nation has.

Obviously being mature, building a wall fixes a lot of problems, but I'm not here to be mature about this!

In my opinion, Trump is racist, sexist, and walks all over women. He's made very rude, disturbing, and disrespectful comments in interviews, debates, and on live television.

The other day, I asked my friend's uncle if he's packed his bags yet because Trump was going to send him over the wall. He didn't talk to me after that...

(He looks Asian and I was completely joking)

So to conclude this, let's say I didn't side for Hillary, I sided against Trump!

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