Writemas/ Mall Cops

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When you go to a mall, chances are that there will be Mall Cops there to watch over everything and attempt to stop anything bad going on.

But let me tell you a story.

One night, my friends and I went to the mall and walked around before we went to see Ouija Origin Of Evil.

So we walk through the food court and I see a little kids store and got very excited, just a little too excited😂

So I run into the store and start looking around, and about two minutes later my friends come in.

Apparently, a mall cop yelled at us to stop running, which I did not know about until about 3 hours later after the movie ended.

It gets better!

Apparently, he also followed us into another store after we left that one, and stood outside of it too!

Like, look, did we invite you to our barbecue? No. So get up out of our grill!

So after all of this happened, we named him Twiggy!

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