Capture the Flag~part 1~

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In BOLD italics is my thoughts

In italics is Blackjack or a horse's speaking

(Y/N)  your name

(L/N) last name 

(H/C) hair color

(F/C) favorite color

(W/N) weapon name

Your POV~

As we were walking two people ran up to us, a very pretty girl with brown her in braids, and eyes that change color and a boy with blond hair and blueish eyes. 

They yelled,"Percy! Annabeth!! Capture the flag is going to start soon."

 When they finished, they looked at me because I was holding Percy's hand while he had his arm on Annabeth. I wanted to let go of his hand, but he held on. 

"Hey Jason, Piper, this is (Y/N), my sister." 

They looked at me and the girl, Piper, smiled and said "Hi, I'm Piper and this is Jason, my boyfriend."

She had to be a daughter of Aphrodite and the boy was probably son of Zeus. We headed to the woods and they got on their teams and I stood next to Percy and Annabeth. Then Chrion explained the rules and then he called "(Y/N) (L/N), please come up." 

You walk up to Chrion and stand next to him and he looks at you then looks at the two teams and say "(Y/N) (L/N) needs a team to play on. Who will take her?"

"We will!"

I look in that direction and Annabeth has her hand up and said again "We will take her."

I smile because Percy is frowning because he wanted me on his team. Two Poseidon kids on a team, wow. I walk over to Annabeth's team and stand next to her and she guides me to the armor stands and helps me put on the armor. 

"Annabeth, why did you pick me?"

She laughs then says "Because I like you and you have skills and skills plus battle strategies, guess what will happen. We win."

"Thanks Annabeth, for everything."

"Don't mention it."

As you and Annabeth are walking to the base with your team you hear, "Annabeth!" said a girls voice. We turn around and see a girl with light brown skin and unruly brown hair with gold eyes.

"Hazel! There you are. I was looking for you."

"Sorry Annabeth, I was with Frank."

"It's OK, Hazel. Your here now, that's what matters."Annabeth said. "By the way, Hazel this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Hazel." Hazel stretched her hand out and said "Nice to meet you, I'm the daughter of Pluto." I shake her hand and say "I'm (Y/N), Percy's sister, daughter of Poseidon."

Hazel looked at me and said "Well, we will have fun. We're cousins, technically."

"Wait does that mean tha-" then I was cut off be the sound of a horn. 

"Oh, right. (Y/N), Hazel, Leo, and Nico get over here. Nico, (Y/N), and me are going to get the flag. The rest of you guard your flag. Got it?" Everyone said yes. Then a loud charge came. Annabeth took my hand and yelled, "Follow me!" I ran after her and Nico.


I stopped and looked though to bushes. I saw Percy and the boy from before, Jason. They were guarding the flag with their weapons drew. Suddenly I felt something in my pocket of my battle armor. It was a... gel pen?

"What the..?"

"Uncap it, now!" Annabeth whisper-yelled.

I uncap it and a Celestial Bronze sword is in its place. I grip it and whisper "Cool."

"Your sword is like Percy's instead it is a gel pen, his is a ballpoint pen." Nico says. 

"OK, Nico distract Percy and Jason, while me and (Y/N) go around back." Annabeth said quickly.

"Got it."Nico said and left to distract Percy and Jason.

"Come on (Y/N), we have a game to win."

I nod in agreement, "Lets win this."

There will be a part 2 too Capture the Flag!!!   

Here is the answer to the first question~~~ The Minotaur

Congrats to all the people who got that right. 

Next question~~~ Who had the Golden Fleece?

Stay tuned, BYE~BYE

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