Dinner with Trouble

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In bold italics is my thoughts

In italics is Blackjack's, a sea monster or sea animal, or a horse's thoughts

(Y/N) your name

(L/N) last name

(H/C) hair color

(F/C) favorite color

(W/N) weapon name


You have a horrible nightmare about you and Percy are on a battlefield and Percy is on the ground hurt and you are standing over him, and protecting him. You see Cyclopes, Titans, and very frightening monsters trying to kill you and you brother. You are fighting a Cyclopes, are hear a scream and see a monster stabbing your brother. You wake up screaming and yelling, "NO! Percy!" Someone runs over to you and that someone was Percy. Percy looks at you and says, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

You can't speak but you grab him and hug him so tightly he can't move. Annabeth walks over and grabs me and says, "Let your brother breathe or we will have a problem." I also forgot that Annabeth is dating my brother. "Sorry. I had a bad nightmare."

"Wait, a nightmare?" Percy asked, "(Y/N) tell me what happened in your nightmare."

"No... I can't. Its to-" 

"Yes, you can and I'll stay to, okay" Annabeth asked.

"Okay, but Percy please sit near me, so if I need to hug you again."

You take a deep breathe and explain your dream. Annabeth and Percy listen at the end you hug Percy saying "Please don't hate me." Percy laughs and says while chuckling, "Why would I hate my own sister?"

 "Because I had gotten you killed in my dream." 

He kisses you like a big brother should, just on the cheek. I swear Annabeth was shooting daggers at me.

He laughs as if he seen Annabeth and turned around and kissed her on the lips. "There, you happy?" I laughed, they are perfect for each other. Both adorable and funny. 

Annabeth comes out of her daze saying "Hey (Y/N), I will take you to get some new clothes and wash up, okay?"

"Sure, I could use some new clean clothes."

"See you two at dinner then, bye." Percy said.

"Bye." Annabeth and I say in union. We laugh and she guided my to her cabin. She opened the door and wow, they cabin was awesome. She had books about Greek myths and architect learning skills.

"Wow, this place is awesome." you say with amazement.

Annabeth asks, "Wait, you like my cabin?"

"Who wouldn't? I love books!" you exclaim. 

Annabeth smiles and says, "We will be great friends then. Umm... Here try these on. The bathroom is over there."

"Thanks Annabeth."

You try on a orange shirt like Annebeth's and soft movable jean shorts. Also a pair of (F/C) tennis shoes. When I stepped out Annabeth gasped and said "You look amazing."

"Thanks Annabeth, so should we go to dinner?"

"Of course! Wait til Percy sees you." She said with excitement.

"Um... Annabeth aren't you Percy's girlfriend?' you ask.

"Oh.. I meant, wow lets get going. Lets not let Percy wait any longer."

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