Chapter 16- Late to the Party

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I don't know how long I sleep. It must be hours later when I wake up and wander into the Stone Table room to find the Pevensies and Caspian. "Is this?" Caspian asks when he sees me. "Could it be? Thalia?"

"In the flesh." I snicker, spreading out my arms.

Caspian gasps. "And she speaks!" I outright laugh now, and Caspian gives me a teasing smile. I sit next to Susan, and Caspian goes back to the conversation he'd been having with Peter.

"It's only a matter of time," Peter says, echoing an earlier conversation. "The Telmarines are already on our doorstep." He gives a vague gestures which I assume means outside.

"Already?" I pipe up. "That was fast." This earns me glares from everyone in the room. I lean over to Susan. "What day is it?"

She smiles. "Still Wednesday."

"So I'm right. It was fast." I murmur, but Peter ignores me.

"We only have one hope." He pauses, probably for dramatic effect, so I just finish for him.

"Aslan." Peter nods solemnly.

Lucy doesn't hesitate. "I'll go." This surprises no one and no one objects.

"She can't go alone, though." Ed points out, leaning back against one of the stone pillars.

"I'll go," Susan and I say simultaneously.

Caspian laughs. "Ironically, you can't both go either."

Susan and I look at each other. After a moment, I say, "You go. You'll be more helpful to her if something happens anyway."

"Well, that settles it then." Peter says. "Let's call a meeting."


"That's your plan." Trumpkin says incredulously. "Sending a little girl into the most dangerous part of the woods- alone?"

Peter sighs. "It's our only hope."

"And she won't be alone." Susan says firmly.

A sad look appears in Trumpkin's eyes as he turns toward Lucy. "Then I'm going with you."

Lucy puts her hand on his shoulder. "No. We need you here." Finally, Trumpkin consent, giving a little sigh.

"Meanwhile, the rest of us will try and hold the Telmarines off for as long as we can." Peter continues explaining his plan.

"Well no duh, Peter." I snort.

He glares at me. "If you have any better ideas, please be my guest."

I roll my eyes and go to respond, but Caspian steps between us before one of us kills the other. "If I may," he says, giving us both a pointed look. "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer, but as a king he is held to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one in particular which may buy us some time."

Peter stares at Caspian for a moment and for half a second I'm afraid we're about to have another power show down but instead Peter just nods. "We'll do that then."

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