Chapter Thirty-Five

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Once Grace was finally off punishment, which her dad cut short, she got her phone and stuff back and did nothing but hang out with Kelly.

"So I'm with you." Kelly said. "No more sex for a while, because I don't need any seeds sprouting just yet."

Grace giggled and nodded. "What if I was pregnant?" She asked. "How would you react?"

"It probably pass out. I'd stay, I mean it's my kid, but I'd be shocked and scared." He said. "No bullshit."

"I'm glad you'll stay around." Grace said. "I would expect-nevermind." Grace was about to bring up the fact Jerome wouldn't leave either, but she hasn't seen him since that horrible Friday.

"Babe, what you looking at?" Kelly asked waving his hand infront of Grace.

"Nothing, it's just that car looks familiar." She mumbled trying to get a look at the person instead. They sped up and drove off leaving Grace's attention.

"Stop worrying." Kelly said grabbing her hands. "I'll protect you."

Jerome walked in his traphouse and punched everything in sight. "Fuck!"

"What, bro?" Chris asked.

"I'm pretty sure I fucked up. I think I lost the love of my life for good to another nigga." Jerome said. "I'm scared man, I gotta give her this shit and apologize before it's too late."

"Woah, what you takin about?" Chris asked.

"Grace! I miss her like crazy. I just want her back." Jerome explained.

"Grayson little sister. You wanna fuck with her again after what happened last time?"

"Yes, ok." Jerome fussed. "It was stupid and a dumb idea. I was so wrapped on getting the money- no fuck the money. I was caught up in proving Frank wrong, that I hurt someone I actually have feelings for."

"Man, I think Grayson punched you too hard. You tripping." Chris said. "Just apologize and leave her alone."

"Thanks the thing, I can't." Jerome said. "You know, I see where I was wrong, but she's wrong also." Jerome said unzipping his jacket. "Her new nigga not her new nigga. They literally been fucking for months. I wasn't even her first."

"Damn. I wouldn't have even looked at her." Chris said. "But honestly. What made you want to fuck her?"

"Honestly, I wanted to talk to her because she was beautiful and her body looked smashable."

"But Grayson said you bullied her."

"Yeah, back in 10th grade before her glo-up." Jerome said. "She walked in on the first day of the year fine as fuck. I really did wanna fuck. At the beginning it was just a bunch of lies and stupid shit. And I was just with her to get my homework done and pass 12th grade. But I had a change of heart and I caught feelings because she's cool and fuck!"

"Get out your fucking heart." Grayson said coming up behind Jerome. "You did not love her."

"I didn't, but I do." Jerome said. "Look, please talk to her for me?"

"Hell no?" Grayson said laughing. "You fucked her over. I heard she moved on already anyways."

"No, that nigga Kelly she with ain't nothing new. They were fucking while we dated. Like she didn't lose her virginity to me. She lost it to him. Don't believe me ask her." Jerome said. "I'll admit I wasn't faithful at the beginning but for like six months I was faithful to her while she cheated."

"I don't believe that shit." Grayson said. "My sister wouldn't cheat even if it was yo stupid ass."

"Ok. Ask her." Jerome said. He knows that Grace wasn't as faithful as she looked. "I'm gonna go try an win my girl back."

Grayson shrugged knowing Grace wouldn't take him back.

Grace rubbed Kelly's back and laid back drenched in sweat. "Damn I can't stay off you." Kelly said kissing her passionately.

"We have to slow down." Grace said.

"I can't help it. Your body is so beautiful and it makes my dick hard." Kelly said sitting up.

"I mean, you're pretty sexy yourself." Grace said running her hands over his chest.

"I love you." Kelly said leaning over and kissing her.

"I love you, too." Grace said holding Kelly down by his face. "But I need to get home."

"Naw, spend the night here. My brother don't care." He said.

"I don't have any clothes, Kelly."

"I got a T-Shirt you can wear." Kelly said.

"Just let me go home and I'll come back." Grace said. "Promise. Matter of fact you can drive me."

Kelly stared at her for a minute. "Fine, but I'll drop you off because I have something else to do."

"Ok." Grace said getting up and getting dressed. "Lets go."

Kelly dropped Grace off and went about his business. Grace put a bag together and took a shower waiting for Kelly. There was a knock on the door and Grace happily ran over to answer.

"Hello?" She said opening the door with her smile disappearing.

"Hey." Jerome said looking down. She tried to close the door but Jerome stopped her. "I came to apologize." Jerome said bringing Irises and chocolate from behind his back. "I need to talk to you."

Grace covered her mouth. "What do you want?" She asked taking the flowers.

"To tell you how stupid I was for hurting the woman I love." He said. "Look, I honestly love you, really. I didn't lie. At the beginning it was fake, and I found out you cheated on me and I was mad. I made a dumb decision by not calling off the bet."

"How can I believe you?" Grace asked.

"You really can't, I don't expect for you to take me back. I just want you to know the truth, that I'm sorry, and that I love you. I wanna see you happy. If it's with that other nigga then it's with him, but I'll miss you. You helped me a lot. And even if we don't get back together I still need your help with school."

"Jerome, I think that it's real sweet of you to come over here and bring mine my favorite flowers and chocolates, but-"

"Oh yeah." Jerome said. "I got you this, too." He pulled a long box out of his coat pocket and handedly to her.

Grace opened it and almost dropped it. "Jerome I can't believe you." It was a necklace she pointed out to him in a magazine she wanted.

"It was your Christmas present, but we didn't make it to Christmas." He said shrugging.

"Thank you." Grace said. "But I can't get-"

"Back with me I know." He said. "Your brother doesn't want me to get back with you, he let me apologize and that's it. So that's all I'm doing. Bye Grace."

Grace reached out to hug him. "I accept your apology." Jerome kissed her forehead and let her go.

"Awe look who came crawling back." Kelly said walking up.

"Aye I ain't come to start problems." Jerome said. "Don't feel like knocking yo ass out again."

"Kelly stop, he was just apologizing." Grace said stepping back.

"Yeah man chill." Jerome said walking away. "You got her."

"I should beat yo ass for making her cry."

"Stop acting tough." Jerome said unlocking his car. "I'm tired of fake shit."

"Kelly stop before I never see you again." Grace said.

"I'm not scared of him." Kelly said. "You can throw that shit away."

"No Kelly these are my favorites." Grace said going inside. Kelly followed her and Grace started putting the flowers in a vase. She put the chocolate in the fridge and took her necklace to her room.

"I'm ready." Grace said grabbing her bag and following Kelly to his car.

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