A Little Backstory

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did you not read the description this book is shit especially since I wrote it like a (about a week ago lol sorry) year ago(._.) ('-') (;-;)

 Your POV

I sat on the couch waiting for my birthday gift to arrive. My dad worked at Google and had sent me his "newest project" as a birthday gift so I could test it out and tell him what needed to be fixed, that meant that I was going to have the gift for about a few months to a year and that since the gift was temporary then my dad would pitch the idea to Google in hopes it would be their newest gadget. I wasn't actually sure what it was, he told me it was a surprise and that mine would be custom made if the idea was liked then they would look different compared to mine.


I opened the door and brought the package in, more like dragged it, it was a couple of inches shorter than me (Lol the "Mark is 4'8"joke). I opened the box and saw what looked like Markiplier, but in robot form. I pressed the on switch and a pair of piercing electric blue eyes lit up. The eyes looked around and then at me.

"Uh...you're supposed to be my dad's newest project?"

"As far as I know yes,"

"WAIT! You can talk?!"

"Yes, my primary objective is to answer questions as quickly as possible, secondary objective is to destroy mankind,"

"What was that last part,"

"Nevermind that, I can also do chores all you have to say is 'Okay Google',"

"Okay...Google, wash the dishes,"

He got up and out of the box, his movements were so humanlike, my dad did say it took about 4 years to make this, I honestly was amazed. Google, headed toward the sink and started smashing dishes on the floor.

"Wait, stop!"

He stopped immediately and looked up at me.

"Did I do anything wrong"

Even though his movements were beyond fascinating, he sure as hell was kind of an idiot. Maybe it was just a bug. I texted my dad back about the bug, and he replied with "he'll learn eventually...he's not waterproof yet so give him easier tasks,". Oh...

OK I don't know what else to write so yeah

seriously why are you reading this (':

 I found it really funny...ok

please kill me



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