Epilogue Pt 2

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I'm still hungry and OML WHO KNEW MAMA WOULD BE SO DEPRESSING BUT SOUND SO UPBEAT WHY U DO THIS TO ME HOBI...also I'll be doing a q&a so feel free to ask me questions that aren't too personal but then again I'm 99.9% sure no one is gonna ask me anything lol

Your POV

I knew Google was mad and sad even if it were slightly hard for him to show it. I just couldn't date or marry a robot. It would be too weird, I went out to go get coffee to get my mind off of what he might do since I admitted that I couldn't be with him.

I ordered an espresso and a croissant then sat down at a table near the windows. Everywhere I looked I saw at least 2-3 happy couples. I wish I could experience that.

"Hey, is that seat taken,"

I looked over and saw a very attractive man holding coffee in one hand and a laptop in another.

"No, you can take it,"

"Thanks, I'm Carter," (Legit just looked at most popular boy names and randomly chose Carter...that's a name for a hipster or vegan lol I'm sorry)

"Hi, I'm Y/N,"

We talked for a while and then I realized that it was getting late, we exchanged numbers and I headed back home. Once I got there I was greeted by Google and noticed tiny dents on his hands.

"What did you do to your hands?"

"Nothing, you must be seeing things,"

"Let me see your hands,"


I noticed slightly larger dents and looked up at Google.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you, but I knew there was going to be a day where I would have to tell you I met someone or reject you for asking me out or something similar to that,"

"It hurts Y/N,"

"Your hand or the truth,"


"I'm sorry Google, but like I said it would be weird if we ended up dating and/or married, it's just...you are a robot! I'm a human, how would that work?"

"Does what type of specimen we are really matter?" 

"This is what I was worried about, you overreacting and saying that being together is no problem, I'd rather be able to have an intellectual connection with someone who is human,"


"I will still enjoy having you around to help me with things and I didn't want to tell you this, but, my dad only gave you to me as a birthday present that would be later sent back for any errors, being naive I forgot about that and slowly let you fall for me and vice versa. So, I'm sorry but I'm going to have you sent back, to get the emotion out of you if you can't handle me being with someone that isn't you,"



"So, if I was being tested for bugs and such, does that mean your dad is going to have more copies of me made to sell to the world?"

"He told me this but I forgot about it and he recently called me to remind me, I'm sorry but my dad has to make money somehow,"

Day of Google being shipped back aka 3 days later

"Y/N, I'm sorry,"

"Don't be, I'll miss you even more,"

I pressed the off button and placed him in the box, I drove to my dad's work and dropped him off. Memories of the last time I came here popped up, I was going to miss this sucker.

I reached into my pocket and felt a piece of paper, it was Carter's phone number. I dialed up his phone number and asked if we could meet at the same coffee shop. He agreed and he would be there in about an hour since he was still at work. I had to leave for work in 5 hours. It was 2pm now so I quickly got ready and wore something casual, but classy. I did my makeup and headed to my car. I drove over and waited inside.

"Hey, Y/N!"


"You want to get coffee, my treat?"

"Well, that's the reason we came here,"

"Ha ha, okay,"

I told him about Google, and how I had to ship him back and how there would eventually be more copies of him sold to the public.

"So, you're dad works for Google headquarters?"


"Does that mean he lends you money and you don't have to work?"

"No, he does lend me some when my job at the bar doesn't pay enough due to a lack of customers 2-3 weeks after holidays,"

"I'm not being a gold digger I was just asking,"

"It's fine if you were just hanging out with me for money it would be more obvious. Also, what do you do for a living since I already told you what I do,"

"I'm an animator, I work for a small company called *insert name that isn't Disney*,"


We talked for another hour and I had to leave for work.

"Hey, Y/N, I know we've only met twice but those two times were great...do you want to maybe go out for dinner,"

"Of course! When do you want to meet up?"

"Maybe Friday at 8 pm?"

"Sure, I'll just ask my boss if I could take the night off,"

"See you then,"


Years later

"Babe! There's a package here for you!"

"Just a second,"

After the first date with Carter we ended up going on more and then we started dating. He hasn't proposed yet, and today was the day that we were finally going to get one again. I ran downstairs and dragged the box to the couch. I opened the box and more memories came flying back. I pressed the on switch.

"Okay Google,"

There were the same neon blue eyes that I had seen all those years ago.

The End

Finally finished le book...now all I have to do is a Q&A and a f a c e  r e v e a l

I'll wait til people start asking me shit...k bye


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