707 X Reader ( start )

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707 X Reader

After the weird RFA thing message you started receiving you become more aware of your surroundings. What bothers you the most is one of the male from the chat who introduced himself as 707. The guy who confirmed your location and sending you countless threat about going out, he also mention you cannot go and ask the help of the police since he know where you were. It was creepy he was like more into a stalker; you started to believe him when he told you the exact location you were when you decided to walk out the park.

You were alone and yet he had confirmed your exact location and things you were doing, in the end you decided to just keep silent about this whole ordeal and you've learned to keep it a secret. The chat was like a chat group for this RFA party which you don't really have any ideas in such but in the end everyone was helpful even the hacker king 707 himself. It's been few days since you've joined the group and you were pretty comfortable around them now, they trust you more after checking your back grounds.

You were given this job to handle and prepared for the Party which was this Rika's works before she died now that you were here you will be working as her replacement to host more parties and such. You don't really have a choice anyway 707 has every information about you where you live, who are you with things that can be used against you, reason out you decided to work with them this is probably a hell hole with no escape.

You've learn to work on her stand and it was fun, the timeless fun chat with Zen and the cute antics of Yoosung also the intimidating but sexy approach of Jumin and don't forget the young beautiful jeahee. The RFA has given you another chance to have family it was a very amazing experience and all.

You received a txt from someone; your phone makes a cute tingling tone signaling that a chat responds or a txt from the RFA. Picking up your phone you slide it open to check on your messages and chats. You smiled reading the messages one from Yoosung and one from Zen. In the later part of your inbox is a black message with the name707. You really don't know how he was able to customize his txt and chat icon in your phone but you find it adorable of him to. Maybe he wants attention?

From zen:

Good morning ___, hope you are doing great I really wanted to chat with you, talk to you again bye

From Yoosung:

Good morning~!, I stayed out online for LOLOL but still I am happy since I won the games talk to you again later

From 707.

You have really adorable pink panties ___, matching lingerie?

From you:

Okay 707 I think your hacking thing is nice but checking out my stuff? and panties? Aren't you over breaching my privacy?

From 707:

Awww. Don't worry I am the only one who knows them and hey you busy today I wanted to hang out, I'll pick you up at 10 am be ready

From you:

Ohh I see, welp I don't have plans so I am good see yah later

From 707:

Sounds so cool and see you

From you:

Okay then

Preparing for this so called date you've fixed your hair and clothes, you have light make up and cute dress. After few minutes the doorbell signaled you that someone is in front of your door. Skipping to the front door you opened it and there stand a 707 with his casual jacket and eye glass.

You've been doing this for few days now, he will drop off in your place to ask you out and to hang around, he will sometimes bring food and play all day with you just hanging around. You like how he was really nice and maybe he will be someone really important in the future


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