Chapter 15- Me and You

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~Rachel's POV~

I've been laying on the bus floor crying, no bawling, for a few minutes. I decide I'm not very comfortable, and grab my bags, throwing both of them into a bottom bunk that doesn't occupy Andy's stuff. I climb in the bunk above it, and look out of the little window, to see it's raining. I love the rain, but it doesn't make me cry any less. I hear the door being banged on, and think if they really want in, they can just walk in. It's not locked. I hear it open, then hear the rain outside, then the door closing again, sealing off the rain. I hear footsteps coming to the back, and start begging they don't open my curtain, but no avail. A little light peaks in from the curtain being drawn. I don't even care if it's Pete at this moment. I close my eyes and turn around in the bunk, which is now mine. "Rachel..." I hear the person I identify as Spencer says. I open my most likely bloodshot eyes, and look at Spenser's light blue ones. He starts talking again, but I don't register what he's saying. The few words that did process was, " talk....don't..." But they were really spaced out. I'm brought back to the world when a girl voice fills the bus. Lizzy runs up to my bunk, and says something to Spencer. At this point, my breathing was shallow, I guess from calming down so quickly, but my heart is still racing, and my head is pounding. "Ugh, my head hurts." But I know she doesn't know what pill bottle of mine to get, and how much the dosage is, and at this point, I deserve my headache. I can't believe I was so stupid to think that my bestfriend of 12 years truly loved me. After a few minutes of Elizabeth trying to get me to respond, she walks out. But not before kissing my forehead and telling me something or another.

~Pete's POV~ (Just after Rachel ran into his arms)

I bury my head in her neck, breathing in her smell for probably the last time. But it ends as she starts beating my chest. But she doesn't have enough strength in her for it to hurt. She grabs her bags, and runs onto Patrick's bus, slamming the door shut. "I'm not preforming today. Get Brian to do it." and with that I slump into my bus. I lay in what used to be mine and Rachel's bed, but I threw that out the window like the idiot I am. After what is about half an hour of crying and screaming and total self loathing, I make a rash decision, stomp out into the rain, and over to Patrick's bus. It's silent, besides the occasional sniffle. I'm surprised she didn't ask who it was. I walk into the bunk room, and slightly open the only closed curtain. "What do you want?" she asks, her words short and icy. "Rachel... Please let me explain. That girl, Victoria, she wasn't telling the truth. Please, just come and sit on the couch, and let me explain." She's silent for a minute, and I'm about to turn around and leave. "Get me some medicine for my migraine and you have a deal." I smile wide, and get her medicine and water. When I come back to her bunk, she's sitting on the side with her legs hanging off. If depression was a person, right now it would be her. I hand her the medicine and water, and watch as she swallows them. I jump up in her bunk, and sit becide her. "Don't touch me." she says, so I don't I just watch her until the medicine works. A few minutes later, she jumps down, and walks into the living room/kitchen. "Aren't you supposed to be playing a show?" she asks me, in a harsh voice. I jump down, and follow her, "Yea. But I spent about half an hour of it on the bus, fucking hating myself." She sits down on the couch, sitting with her legs crossed. "You're soaked." she states. I look down, and realize that I am. She gets up, and goes to the back. She comes back with a towel and blanket. She hands me both, and I gladly wrap the towel around me. She returns to her spot, and I sit beside her, draping the blanket over her. She pulls her legs up to her chest, winces, and puts her feet on the ground.

"Sorry about that." I say, and she knows what I'm talking about. "Not you're fault." she says, quietly. I decide to start a really crappy speach I've been making in my head. "Rachel, that girl, Victoria, she's one of my past girlfriends. She appereantly works here, as like manger, so that's how she got backstage, and wasn't kicked out. The only reason I didn't call for security was because, she had dirt on you and me. She was the one who released my nudes the first time." she giggles at that, and I smile, and continue, "Rachel, I really do love you. Please don't let my idioticy get in the way of us. You know you love me." I did the cupcake face, because I know she's a sucker for that. She turns to me, and says, "I believe you, Pete. Be my Peter Panda." I don't respond, I just lean in and kiss her gently. "Now, how bout you go and play for the homeland." I start bursting out laughing and so does she. "I mean really! Panic! probably is almost done. I'll help you with your hair." she says. I stand up, and hold out my hand, waiting for her to take it. She does, and we walk out, to find it isn't raining anymore. We walk into the arena, and to the dressing room. She does my hair while I sit. I change, and we walk to the green room, hand in hand. I open the door to see the guys standing there. Brian has my bass, and is warming up. I smile at all of them, take my bass from Brian, and start warming up myself. Rachel kisses my cheek, and walks out.

After the concert

~Rachel's POV~

We're (Me, Pete, and Joe) are sitting on the couch in our bus. After the concert, me and Pete got my stuff that I stupidly packed. "I'm really tired. I'm going to bed." Pete says, standing up, yawning and stretching. "I'll be there in a minute, babe." I say. He nods his head, and walks to the back. I stand up and get a bottle of water on my way to the back. "Night Joe!" I yell, but he's to indulged in his show. When I walk into me and Pete's "room", he's laying on the bed, stomach first and has his head resting on a pillow with his hands under it. I climb on top of his back and sit close to his ass. He kinda groans, and I giggle. I decide what I'm going to do. Before my hands reach the bottom of his back, Joe yells, "DO NOT START ROCKING THIS BUS. I SWEAR TO JESUS." In which I yell back, "YOU CANT SWEAR TO YOURSELF JOEY." I hear him scoff, and Pete laugh.

I return to what I was doing. I slip my hands under Pete's shirt. "Why are you always so warm?" I ask him. "Why are you always so cold?" he counters. "Touché" I continue to run my hands under his back, taking his shirt with me. I slide his shirt off, and continue. I take a minute to really look at him. Jeez he's perfect. But he looks skinner than usual. "Pete, how have you been? Like are you depressed or manic is what I'm asking." He takes a moment to think, and I rub his shoulders. "I've been normal. Just normal. That's what my medicines for babe." "Well I know that. You just look kinda skinny." I say. He doesn't skip a beat in saying "Touring takes a lot out of a 34 year old man." I laugh, and move my hands down his back. I'm too lazy to finish my massage, I guess you could call it, and lay down on him. I'm in a kinda awkward positing with my legs by his hips, and laying on his back, but oh well, it's comfortable. I kiss his shoulder. "I love you." I whisper. He manages to turn around with me still sitting on him. When he's turned all the way around I lay back the same way, just on his chest. He rests his hands on my hips. "I love you too. I'm really sorry about today." I get off him and lay next to him where he promptly pulls me close to him. "It's okay. I really do believe you." I put my hand up, and he puts his against mine. I look at our hands. "You're so much tanner than I am." I say. "Well I am part Jamaican." "True. And your hands are so much bigger than mine." "Well I am the guy in this relationship, unless you have something to tell me." I smack his chest. I look at his right arm, studying all his tattoos. I yawn and Pete laughs. "Fuck you." I at the end of my yawn but it comes out weird. "When and where?" he asks, probably expecting to get hit again. "Here and now." I say. He just smiles and leans in to kiss me. "I was kidding by the way. I'm still sore." I say, then kiss him. He pulls away and says "I know. I just like kissing you." He kisses me again, this time asking for entrance. Before he can get lucky, and pull away and say, "Aren't we supposed to be sleep?" "Do we have parents to tell us otherwise?" "No. But there's Bob, and Marcus. Just sleep darling." I say. "Aren't I supposed to call you darling?" "Fuck the system." I say. "In that case, I'm the system!" I roll my eyes and rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.

YAY! They're back together. What did you guys think?



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