Chapter 21- And Then, There Were Four

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~Rachel's POV~

I wake up with a nauseous feeling for the fourth time this week, counting Christmas. I stay in bed a little longer until I can't take it, and rush to the bathroom. I hear Pete's footsteps on the bathroom tile, and he pulls my hair up for me. I get off my vulnerable position on the floor and wrap myself in Pete's arms. I feel his skin slide across my neck as he pulls me into his chest. I feel extremely bad for waking him up like this early in the morning. He's a light sleeper, AND has trouble getting to bed. I have a gut wrenching thought, and contemplate bringing it up to Pete. "Watchya thinkin' about?" he questions me. I untangle my arms from him, and walk over to think sink to brush my teeth and wash my mouth out with Listerine. I lean on the counter, and look at Pete through the corner of my eye. I mumble my thoughts, which catches Pete's attention, but doesn't hear a word I say. He steps closer to me, "Rachel, if you don't tell me, we can't fix it." "We can't fix this anyways, Pete!" I practically yell at him. He reverses a little with saying "If you don't tell me, I can't help you." Better. Before I say anything, my mouth becomes a desert, and I think, only for a split second, that after this he's going to hate me. "Pete..." he doesn't say anything, just looks at me, waiting for me to gather my thoughts. I start again, "Pete, when we set up the tree, and had sex, I was supposed to start a week after that. I didn't. So, ya know, I just thought that 'Hey, I might be late, just this one time'. But Pete, I'm never late. Especially two weeks late."

My eyes dart to his face, looking for any kind of emotion. First, he looks confused, then remembers that night after the Christmas tree. Then he looks worried. Finally he looks up at me, giving me a small smile. "Then let's go get some tests." I love how he doesn't question a single thing, he doesn't question my judgment. I smile at him weakly, but he just smiles at me with more confidence. He wraps his arms back around my waist, and I tightly put my arms around his neck. "I love you." he whispers. "I love you too." I whisper back.

We get ready in really bummed down clothes, meaning like sweatpants and hoodies, considering it's about 5 am. While we were getting ready, we discussed Pete going out with me, and we decided that paps need to sleep too, also no one young enough to listen and/ or know Pete is also still asleep. Worrying thoughts start to spread across my mind, and Pete must notice. He pulls me on his lap, from his place on our bed. He gently wraps his arms around my waist, being mindful of my stomach, and pulls me so my back is all the way against his chest. I feel his forehead rest on my back, then he kisses my neck, sending chills down my spine, only to spread across the rest of my body. The next thing I know, he move out from under me, and now we're sitting next to each other.

He looks me in the eyes, which causes me to avert my gaze to the hardwood floor that I find so interesting at this point. But Pete isn't standing for that. "Rachel, look at me. Please." he pleads. I look him in the eyes, and he slightly smiles. "No matter what happens in the next hour or so, I'm not leaving. I love you, Rachel." I let out a small breath I didn't know I was holding, but I'm still not sure. I give him a nervous smile, and say, "I love you too, Pete." And with that, we make our way to the car that the sun has barely even hit today. It's still dark outside, seeing as it's about 5:15 in the morning. We get in the car, and Pete drives to the nearest Walgreens. I'm wringing my hands together the entire time, only stopping to move my hand up to my necklace that I never take off.

We arrive at the barren parking lot at 5:30, and I rush out of the car, facing the cool air. I felt too confined. Me and Pete meet at the back of the car, and he grabs my hand gently. But right now, don't want gently. I want to squeeze his hand so hard, so I do. And he squeezes back. I lead Pete around the store, going to the 'Feminine Care' aisle. I find my way around everything I usually get here, but turn around, and there they are. Rows of pregnancy tests. I look around nervously, and finally get close enough to read the small print on everything. Never letting go of Pete's hand, mind you. But he leans over with me, helping me look. "We should get two." I whisper to Pete, as if someone will over hear us, but it's dead silent. "Sounds good." I chew on the inside of my cheek nervously as I pick out a Clearblue Digital one, and a First Response one. I look over at Pete, and he nods his head. I stand up, taking Pete along with me, and quietly walk over to the counter, where a little old lady with white hair sits behind the cash register, with her glasses on the tip of her nose as she reads a book.

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