Chapter 24- Told You: Part Two

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~Elizabeth's POV~

Me and Patrick end up leaving soon after Pete and Rachel. I told him that I would drive since he drank a little more than I did. When we're about halfway home I speak up and say, "I found out when I went to go get my dress." "Really?" he asks, sitting up a little. "Yeah, I kinda walked in on them." I admit, blushing a little, but not wanting to spill the details on their personal lives that I wasn't supposed to see. Patrick doesn't ask exactly what I walked in on, but he does say, "So they made you swear not to tell me?" I nod my head, and he chuckles a little. When we get to our house, I watch Patrick walk up the stairs. He didn't look like he would fall. I just didn't want him to. When we get into our room, the first thing I do is kick off my heels in the closet. Patrick joins me, and I ask him to unzip my dress for me. He does as told, but moves his hands back up over my shoulders, and brings my dress down my arms as his hands glide over my skin. I get out of the rest by myself, and throw it close to the corner where I have my clothes. For the moment, I forget that my dress didn't permit me to wear any type of bra, as it was open back. I turn around and instantly feel exposed, as Patrick is still fully dressed and I see his eyes widen at my confidence. I guess a little liquid courage made me forget for the time being.

His coat was already sitting on the floor, so I walk up to him, and work on undoing his bow tie as his hands grasp my hips. He lets me continue to undress him as he just looks at me, and keeps his hands on my hips. I find the easiest way to unbutton his shirt, and the next thing I know, it joins the ground with his coat and bow tie. I look him in the eyes as I unbutton and unzip his pants. He squirms under my touch, and I let him step out of his pants and socks. I don't plan on going all the way, seeing as Patrick is slightly drunk, and I've had a beer or two also. He pulls me back in, and leans down, kissing my lips softly. He starts to walk backwards, pulling me with him. He asks for permission to explore my mouth, and for once a let him on the first try.

We finally find our bed, and I slide back to the pillows, Patrick holding himself above me on his forearms. Both of my hands find the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss. "I love you." he murmurs. "I love you too. Patrick?" He hums in response as he kisses me again. "We should just go to sleep. We're both, at least a little drunk, and if we want to do this, we should be completely sober." I say, reasoning with him. He sighs, and lays down beside me. "You're right." I feel relieved, and get up to wash my face and pull Patricks dress shirt on. Then I cuddle up next to Patrick as his hand finds it's way to my waist, pulling me in more as I rest my hand on his chest. The next thing I know, sleep consumes me as I'm comforted by Patrick's heart beat and the rise and fall of his chest.


I wake up to the sunlight shining through our white curtains. Wonderful. I hear Patrick groan, and look up at him. "Why do we have such sheer curtains?" he whines, pulling a pillow into his face. I just laugh a little at him and say, "Good morning to you too." His attitude changes, looking down at me and says, "Good morning beautiful." I just smirk and kiss him quickly before jumping up. "I'll be right back." I say to him. I make my way downstairs and get some aspirin and a glass of water for Patrick. Before I walk back upstairs, I button three buttons, and roll up the sleeves, as they were long on me.

I walk back upstairs, and Patrick greets me with a sleepy smile, running his fingers through his hair. I hand him his medicine and water, crawling in on my side and sitting with my legs under me, waiting for Patrick's headache to get a little better. I look down at the sheets and say, "Patrick, about last night..." A look of concern and confusion cover his face. "Do you remember anything?" I ask him cautiously. I didn't think he had THAT much to drink. "Oh, yea. No, no. I do. But what's wrong?" he asks, concerned. "I know we usually don't stop that soon, I just didn't want to have drunk sex for my first time." I state. Patrick sits up a little and rests his hand on my knee. "Elizabeth, there's nothing to be sorry about." He rubs my knee, and I finally look up at him. "Really?" I ask. He gives me a soft smile and says, "Really." There's a moment of silence, and Patrick speaks up again. "You know, you look really good in my shirt." I blush a little and say, "Well, maybe you'll see me in it some more if you come downstairs and help me make smoothies." He smiles and says, "I think we can arrange that."

When we get downstairs, Patrick gets out the blender, and I get out the fruit, yogurt, and ice. Patrick is looking up recipes, and just starts throwing various things into the blender. "Patrick!" I yell. "Yes, dear." he answers in a calm voice. "I know what I'm doing. Trust me. You'll love it." I just kinda glare at him from the corner of my eye. "Go and sit on the couch and turn on whatever." he says, turning back to the blender. I roll my eyes at his back and put on Fight Club in the living room. Every time Patrick turns the blender on, I jump even though I should expect it. A few minutes later, Patrick walks in with two glasses with magenta colored liquid. I eye him as he sits down, but all he says is,"Trust me. It's good." And with that, he pushes the cold glass in my hands for me to inspect. I turn my attention to Fight Club, and take a sip of the smoothie-of-the-unknown, and he's right, it's really good.

"Patrick, what'd you put in this?! It's amazing." He just smirks and says, "Raspberries, blueberries, and like, half a banana." I go back to my smoothie, trying not to finish it too fast.

When I finish my smoothie-of-goodness, I set my glass on the table, and lay in Patrick's lap, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch over my legs. "Now my hands are cold." I complain to Patrick, giving him a little pouty face. "Give 'em here." he says, holding out his hands which are, in fact, just as cold as mine. I just look at him from the corner of my eye as he's watching the movie. Our hands start to get warmer after a while, and I'm content. "Told you that those smoothies were gonna be good." He says, still gloating. "Yeah, yeah. I know you did." I say with a smile on my face, giving him a soft kiss.

HOLY FUCK IF THAT DIDNT SUCK. also that rhymed. Guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long and that this chapter really sucks. It's kind of just a really sucky filler, like I've written better. But thank you to everyone who was commenting, it really does help. I actually haven't gotten on Wattpad in a while and had a ton of notifications, and thought, why the hell not just finish this chapter. Anyway, again, I'm really sorry for not updating and for this chapter sucking as bad as it does.



I love you guys! The next update will (hopefully) be a lot sooner.

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