Chapter 1: Welcome To Jurassic World

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It being their second day on Isla Nublar, the Avengers wandered the park, observing in awe at the amazing resort. It had been a while since they were on vacation at such an amazing place. They were all in utter amazement at the greatness of Isla Nublar and it's infamous dinosaur theme. It seemed as if there was something around every corner that would catch the eye.

A woman with dirty blonde hair and a blue and beige trainers' uniform suddenly walked past them, a bucket in her grasp, each of them recognizing the woman all too well.

"Sam!" Steve called out to his daughter, who turned in their direction, a smile growing across her face as she recognized the six familiar faces.
"Dad!" She jogged over to them, careful of the bucket filled with rat treats in her hand. "I missed you guys so much." She hugged each of them. "What're you guys doing here? I never would've expected to see you guys here."

"We're on va-cay." Tony answered.

"You work here?" Steve asked his daughter, a stern father tone lingering in his voice as he masked his worry behind a smile.

Samantha nodded eagerly and smiled a wide smile, her blue eyes glimmering intensely in happiness and excitement.

Steve felt his heart flutter in his chest and he couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips at how happy she seemed. If she was this happy working on Isla Nublar, then he couldn't take it from here. He didn't have the heart. Besides, she was twenty-three years old. She was old enough to know what she wanted.

"What's that ungodliness in the bucket?" Tony inquired, cringing as he eyes the bucket full of dead rats.

"Oh. They're raptor treats." Samantha said simply, as if it was work as usual. Which it was. She did this everyday. But to anyone else, it wasn't very heard of.

"Raptors?" Clint questioned, nervousness lacing his voice.

She nodded. "Wanna meet them? It's time for their training." She began to turn around.

They all looked at each other before nodding and motioning for her to lead the way, following her to the Velociraptor paddock.

Avengers x Jurassic World: Welcome To The JungleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang