Chapter 5: This Isn't Over

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•°• My POV •°•

I heavily forced my eyes open, my vision swimming as I could barely make out the the structure of my individual pen. I had to fight to keep my eyes open, the tranquilizer not yet out of my system as I heaved my body off of the ground tiredlly, only to meet the cold ground once more.

I let out a sluggish huff and blinked my eyes afew times in a vain attempt to focus my eyes. When my vision didn't improve, I growled groggily and messily shook my head before defeatedly resting it against the cold floor.

Before long, I found myself losing a battle to sleep as my eyelids slipped closed and I succumbed to sleep.

~×~ Time skip ~×~

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the pen, my light green eyes focused on my surroundings.

I knew I was in my human form, seeing the stars and night sky through the bars of my pen.

I raked my hand through my green and blue streaked blonde hair and stood, walking over to the door of the pen and gazing through the bars.

The jungle was set alight by the light of the full moon, giving it a beautiful glow. The stars winked down at me as I stared up at them in fascination.

'How many stars are up there? Why do stars twinkle? Why do they only come out at night? How far away are they? What would happen if they just went away?'  I wondered to myself as I gazed up at the brilliant balls of light.

With a peaceful sigh, I fiddled with the sleeve of my blue and green chameleon leather jacket and rested my head on the bars.

My lips pursed and my eyes glowed a bright green in the dark of the night as I suddenly remembered the days events.

They used tranquilizer guns on us. They ended our fight and it was one of their business! They think they have a say in what we do, they are sadly mistaken. They can't get what they want every time. They think they can control our every thought, our every action, our every kill.

Well, guess what. They can't. I won't let them use my sister's and I as puppets. Not anymore. They can't hold blue and I at bay. They can't erase the growing tension in the air between us. Next chance I have, I will strike. And I will win. They can't stop this. And I'll prove it.

{A/N: sorry, another cliffhanger. I have to get ready to go to the bus. See ya.}

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