Chapter 3

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We finally reached our new apartment we got. Ours seemed a bit cramped and small. We had gotten everything set up the game room and since there was no gym and me and Phil wanted to sort of stay in shape we could work out in the Workout Room.

As all parents, we did have limits and boundaries but she should understand them. She seems polite and such a nice girl. I bet she wouldn't mind hearing the rules.

"Lisa?" I said before we got out of the car.

"Yes, Dan?" She replied. I hope she would be fine with this.

I Looked over at Phil he seemed confused but when he got it he smiled.

"What are you smiling at Phil?" She asked confused

"Lisa, there is a time in every girl..."

"WO WO WO what is going on?" She asked seeming really uncomfortable.

Phil then said, "Hey it's okay it's just one little rules we have in our house."

"Yet you always break it, Phil," I growled and huffed. "No eating my cereal." Then instantly she burst into laughed.

Right then I knew she was perfect, we could get through anything.


Lisa's P.O.V.

I finally calmed down and while Dan and Phil had a mini fight for who was carrying my stuff in, I walked inside. It had a staircase up to two doors. I opened the one that said Dan and Phil on the front. I opened the final door and walked in I was amazed. Everything was cleaned except a few dirty dishes they must have used this morning. All the doors were opened except for three which I assumed were the bedrooms.

I opened one door to what looked like Phil's bedroom seeing the Lion besides it and a few draw Phil naked on his wall. It looked really good. Then there was another door right next to it. I assumed it was Dan's and walked in. I saw his bed sheet/quilt and I knew it was his room. I heard them walk in so I shut both doors and went to go watch TV.

I sat down and started to watch when I noticed the one door I hadn't opened. My bedroom, The didn't have to do this I was going to be gone in less than a week anyway because once they knew what I did. I really liked it here. I snooped in the bedroom didn't bother to carry in my stuff. I started walking toward Dan and Phil. They were sitting at the table,

"I am sorry, I didn't take responsibility and bring my stuff in. I walked around your house went into your bedrooms. I haven't seen mine and I don't think I should. You can take me back if you want. I know you don't care or want me anymore. I'm so sorry guys." I say as I start to tear up.

Phil grabs my stuff and says "Follow me" I did we walked to my room and he opened the door he put my stuff next to my bed and I walked in. I looked around. There was a poster of my favorite things My bed sheets were amazing and I loved my shelf with all my merch.

I had a Paige and Molly plush from StacyPlays I had a Grain head and mug. I had some signed stuff from dan and Phil and there was a bean bag in my corner. I walked around. I had a full walk in closet and full bathroom. I was so happy and I didn't want to leave but I knew all good things had to come to an end. So I braced myself for anything. I knew this was a trap I knew this was too good to be true.

I grabbed my stuff and Unzipped my things. Dan and Phil left me alone for awhile I then sat on my Bean Bag until Phil called me to the Living room.

Phil's P.O.V.

I called her in here. I wanted to tell her some things such as she can have a boyfriend, we are fine with her wearing makeup, and we need to know about School and what she will do. We did live an hour away from where she was adopted from. I hope she doesn't mind going to a new school or something.

"Lisa, we wanted to tell you that we are fine with you having a boyfriend or girlfriend, we accept you no matter what sexuality you are. Also, you can wear makeup. We do realize you are a girl and we respect that. As well we need to talk about school"

Silence I gave her a second to process what I just said. Then after a minute or two, she finally spoke up.

"Okay, I am b-bisexual." She said she seemed nervous. Dan and I smiled and looked at her

"That's fine Hun," Dad replied.

"I don't really wear makeup except for maybe lip gloss and Mascara. Also, I was already in a school. I now see we may be too far for a bus or anything. Will I need to go to another? I could be homeschooled or something. You guys don't need to.." She started until I interrupted

"We will do anything for you Lisa, You are out Kid and we love you."

She then mumbled something but I decided to ignore it I looked at the clock and it was about 10:05.

"Since tomorrow is Sunday we can talk more than about school. You looked really tired maybe you should go get some sleep." I smiled and she smiled back but then she turned and it her eyes turned into dark, cold, emptiness. I hope she will be okay. 


Tbh my goal for reads is only 10 for right now then I can grow from there I don't think someone should put it as 100 or more because thats a big goal. Maybe just 0 for now

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