Chapter 6

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**** At Home****

I walked in to the house and called for Dan and Phil, No response. They must still be at the radio station. I walked hom since it was only about a mile and I knew my way around farley well. I was actually sort of scared when I past a few houses thinking I saw my family in some. I knew that was impossible but I was still scared of it. I walked up to my room and decided to get into someone more comftorable.

I grabbed some leggings and a sweatshirt. I walked to the restroom. As I was puttin on what I was going to wear. I looked in the mirror. I knew I looked bad I was so fat and disgusting I couldn't handle it. I started crying I knew I shouldnt for the Dan and Phil my dad's but I couldn't handle it anymore.


I grabbed my blade from the hiding space and started to cut. One.... two.... Three... more and more as blood was running down my arm. It is what I wanted. The relief was geat to handle it. I started cleaning it up after I was done crying.

I knew Dan and Phil would be mad and yell at me. They wold want to get rid of me. I grabbed my jacket and hide the cuts and scars. I felt some what better. I then grabbed my depression pills from my bag and took some. Even though they did't work I thought I might as well for Phan.

Today was the worst day of my life. I couldn't handle it. I knew I was going to get bullied and everything. I garbbed my blanket that was on my bed and went downstairs to the living room and I threw my blanket on the couch and went to the kitchan. It seemed a little messy so I cleaned everything up and grabbed a water. I then grabbed my phone and started playing some games.

I wanted to hide from the world i thought as I put my blanket over me. I heard the door open so I decided to hide more. I placed the blanket over making sure they didnt know I was there. I wanted to know what they would do if they didn't find me.

All of a sudden someone sat on the couch. I thought it was problay phil because I was in Dan's spot. They didn't talk. They were really quiet. I then peaked out and saw Dan and Phil lying on the floor.

I walked over and stood on Phils back and he started laughing. I then stepped on Dan and he didnt even flinch then i lyed down next to him. "Hey danny boy" I said and he laughed

"Never call me that Hun"

"Then maybe danny boy, Dont call me Hun." He seemed confused.

"Why?" he asked curiously I didn't respond "Thats okay you don't have to tell me I just wanted to know. I wont call you that I rpomise"

"I promise too" Phil said standing on our backs.

****One Hour Later****

Dan's P.O.V.

I think Lisa liked me more then Phil. I was her father. Phil was just her friend that lived with us. I wanted Lisa to have a true family. I was dating Phi but I didn't tell her yet. Me and Phil have been dating for about a year now.

Lisa was my baby and I love her. Even though we have only knew eachother for a week or so I knew so mucha bout her. She didnt have to tell me anything I just knew, Well I think I know im actually not sure. I should problay talk to her about it

I walked up th stairs to her room and knocked on the door I heard some video playing and noticed it was me and Phil's voice. Then I heard Me say Dil... She was wacthing our gaming Video on the Sims. She is such a good daughter. Then the dooropened and the video stopped playing.

"Hey whats up" She said as I waked in

"I wated to talk to you and ask a few questions if u dont mind hu.. I mean.. Sorry I forgot"

"Thats okay as she cringed"

"First of all why don't you want you calling you hun?" I asked

"I dont know I just don't like it."

"Okay" I say I knew something else was up. "Are you hot your always wearing jackets and sweatshirts or long sleeves all the time."

She didn't respond for a minute but finally said "Its fine and I am fine. Dont worry If i get hot Ill take it off"

I knew sh wasnt saying much about it because she didn't want to. I didnt really get much out of her. Yet iw as glad to have a talk with her. I finally left and decided to go to sleep since it was at least 10 o'clock. It was pretty early for me but I decided that I needed to get up to see Lisa.


It was the day of her real classes and I hoped she would be okay. SInce that girl was with her and in most of her classes I wasn't that worried but I still was scared she would have to find her B day classes on her own for the first time,

I guess I should walk her up now I dont want her to be late. I knocked and no answer I tried the door. -Locked- She must be getting dressed or something I thought, I hope she is okay dont know what I would do If I didn't have her with me.

I then heard something in the kitchen, most likely Phil, I walked in to see Lisa sitting on the floor eatting her own cereal.

"Why are you on the floor?" I asked

"I couldn't decided what seat to sit on" She replied casuially.

I laughed and said "Wait here" she did as she was told and kept sirtting on the floor. I went to the living room and grabbed the book that Phil and I had written. I opened it and flipped through th pages. I found the chair page and showed her.

She went through it and was the Gray chair Like me I decided she could sit in it while Phil sat in the blue one.


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Adopted by Dan and Phil (PHAN)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon