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Nicki POV

"Lucia where are you" I say coming in the house looking around for her. "In the kitchen dear" I heard her say as I rushed towards that way seeing her at the table with her head in her hands. "DAMMIT" I say slamming my hand down on the island full of anger shaking my head. "Where did he run off to Lucia? I'm calling the police to get his ass locked up for kidnapping my daughter." I say as she got up walking over to me with a note.

"WOW is this a threat?" I ask as she sighed. "It's all my fault for not keeping my eye on him Onika I am so sorry. It's just I didn't think he'd do something like that." She says as I shook my head dialing 911. "Same here but I knew I should've taken her with me, yes hello I'd like to report a kidnapper" I say into the phone speaking to an operator. "Yes ma'am I know his name he's my husband. Alejandro Martinez. No we're currently going through a divorce and we have a nine month old daughter which he so happened to take, up and leave with today while I was gone without my permission" I say trying to keep calm.-

"I'm currently living in Philadelphia but I'm from New York and so is he.....I'm guessing he went back but is somewhere with my baby so can y'all please help me get her back, that's all I ask" I say now crying because why and how could his ass be this stupid. All he had to do was ask if it was okay he take her back with him for a while but now he's fucking up so when I do get full custody his time with his daughter will be limited and most definitely supervised. "No I'll wait up as long as I can to get her back to me, thank you" I simply say ending the call.

"What they say" Lucia asks as I sighed. "They'll be looking for him and her then once they do they'll have her back to me by the morning. I'm not going to even be able to sleep tonight. Ughhh I'm so fed up with Alejandro's stupid ass I SWEAR" I screamed as she tried to comfort me. "Imma go freshen up then call it a day Lucia. Again don't blame yourself okay. If anything it's my fault." I say leaving her in the kitchen grabbing my phone going upstairs.

After I finished my shower my phone rung indicating it was a FaceTime call. Seeing it was Rihmeek I hesitated on answering or not but I forgot we were suppose to get lunch so I answered. "Hey" I sadly say as he looked at me biting his lips. I was wrapped in a towel but I was still wet and my hair was dripping wet down my back as well. "Wassup ma you still getting ready, damn all wet and shit I see you lil baby" he says as I smiled.

I wasn't going to tell him about Alejandra being gone just yet due to the fact he'd be driving and I don't want him wrecking shit. "Could you just stop by and get us something to eat Rihmeek. My stomach bothering me" I say somewhat telling the truth because my stomach was hurting with the way I'm stressing over my baby girl right now. "Alright ma, I gotcha." He says as I smiled. "Alright imma go put some clothes on, see you when you get here" I say ending the call quickly before he asked about Alejandra like he always does.

Drying off and lotioning my body down in coco butter and baby oil I slid on some shorts and a sports bra placing my hair into a high bun since it was still wet and curly I didn't feel like blow drying it because it takes hours. Grabbing my pillow laying across my bed I turned the tv on throwing the remote crying again. "This all my fucking fault" I say to myself kicking the headboard over and over again as it hit the wall probably leaving a mark but of course I didn't give a fuck.

"Onika are you okay in there" I heard Lucia ask as I calmed down. "Y-yes I'm fine" I say reaching over grabbing my laptop to file this report along with my address and phone number including a picture of Alejandra. I then decided I'd call my mother and let her know what was going on. "He took her" I say as she answers the phone. "Alejandro took my baby momma, today while I was away. He came by to see her then snuck away leaving a note saying if I went through with the divorce I would never see her again" I say now crying.

She started spazzing out into the phone as I heard her telling my dad and everyone else in the background. We then started talking for what I assumed hours because I didn't know I had fallen asleep until I felt someone pecking my lips over and over again along with the smell of food. "Wake up ma, I'm here with our food" meek says as I sat up. "Hey" I say dryly siting up stretching as he sat down beside me.

"I got you a REAL Philly cheesesteak and a drink. I didn't know what you'd want on it so I got you the basic sandwich" he says as I nodded my head not really wanting to eat anymore but it smelled so good I thought I'd give it a few bites. "This is good, thank you Rihmeek" I say biting into the sandwich looking over at him as he nodded. "Yo have you been crying, where's baby girl, sleep?" He ask as I sighed placing my sandwich down on the nightstand next to my drink. "Yeah about that I have something to tell you that I waited to tell you once you arrived here" I say as he looked confused.

"Alejandro he.....he took her without my permission and...." I say as he cuts me off. "What the fuck man you serious. That's a pussy ass move just wait till I see his ass" he says calmly almost to calmly I became nervous because I know what he's capable of doing and I don't want him trying to kill my child's father. "Damn lil baby I can only imagine what's going on through your mind over there" he says as smiled before the tears started to form.

"I-I called the police and they're doing everything they can to track him down and find out where he is with my daughter. I filed a report too and I'm also showing them the threat note he left talking about if I go through with this divorce I won't see her again nigga PLEASE" I say getting myself worked up as meek sat his food down getting closer to me. "It''s all my fault meek." I say now crying as he pulled me into his lap rocking me like a baby comforting me, which is what I needed right now.

"Nah baby girl don't say that. I had a feeling his ass couldn't be trusted but do know you're getting your daughter back and I got something for his gay ass" he says wiping the rolling tears off my face as I looked up at him reading his eyes that were full of sympathy and anger. "Meek don't kill him baby" I say as he chuckled. "Oh nah none of that. I know how bad you want him in his daughter's life but trust me he'd been had a cap to his head if you didn't care. Do know I got his ass once I see him" he says as I nodded.

Lifting my chin we stared into each other's eyes as he rubbed his thumb across my bottom lip before leaning down kissing me. Sitting up I crawled on my knees away from him as he kicked his shoes off sitting back against the headboard. Crawling on top of him I laid my head on his chest as he rested one hand on my back and the other firmly on my ass. "We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow so get some rest baby girl, I'll be right here with you" he says as I looked up pecking his lips before laying back down again. "Love you" he says pecking my head as my heart raced and melted at him saying the love word so soon. "I.....I love you too Rihmeek" I smiled before closing my eyes letting slumber take over me.



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