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Next Day


Nicki POV

"I'm so happy you, Candi, and my grand baby came last night even though it was late. How did you sleep once you got in" my mother says as I came into the kitchen with Alejandra on my hip. "I went straight to bed, well after I fed her. Candi still knocked though. I'm only up now because of her" I say looking at Alejandra as she smiled pulling at her messy hair. "Here I'll take her baby go rest" she says taking her from me as I went back upstairs to my room.

Getting back in bed my phone rung as I ignored it placing a pillow over my head in hopes it'll stop and it did but rung again. "Ughh what the fuck could this person possibly fucking want" I say to myself getting up looking through my purse. Pulling it out it was Rihmeek FaceTiming me as I rolled my eyes answering with the camera off of me. "What" I ask getting back in bed throwing the covers back over me placing the phone on the pillow beside me.

"Damn ma why the attitude" Meek says as I sighed. "I'm tired Rihmeek" I simply say hearing the call end as I threw it across the bed. "Fucking asshole" I say to myself getting comfortable trying to go back to sleep but couldn't so I got up going to Candi's room seeing she was up. "Hey baaaaabe" she says as I crawled on the bed. "Goodmorning Candice" I say as she jerked her head. "Oop why the full name, sleep on the wrong side of the bed hoe" she says as I huffed.

"Okay Onika I gave her a bath, she's in the room with your father. I'm headed to the store in a few so if the two of you would like to come I suggest y'all get dressed" my mother says stopping by the door as I rolled over on to my stomach. "Ion know about miss grumpy but I'm coming" Candi says as I threw a pillow at her. "I'll come" I say getting up walking back to my room to get dressed. Once I was showered and ready to go I checked up on Alejandra first.

"Hey dad are you okay with watching her? I'll take her with us" I say as he walked over to me. "Actually I got a few errands to run myself but I'll take her with me if you want" he says as I I reached for her. "Nah I'll take her" I say as he passed her over. "Candi can you make up two bottles please." I say going to get her bag. Once everything was set and ready to go we piled into my moms truck and headed out. "Ma where we going" I ask laying my head on the window giving Alejandra her bottle.

"To the grocery store last but I'm going to a few stores to take a few things back. Why Onika wassup my dear" she ask as I closed my eyes. "Just wanted to know that's all" I sighed out feeling my phone vibrate. For some reason I was hella sleepy and my stomach hasn't been feeling right all morning. No I'm not pregnant, can't get pregnant from vibrators, so I assume Mother Nature sneaking up on a bitch.

Looking down I seen it was just a business notification so I I ignored it turning my phone off. We ended up going to a few stores like my mother said and now we were at our last stop,
The grocery store. "Damn what's wrong with lil mami over there Nic, she hungry?" Candi ask as I sighed. "girl she just finished her last bottle on the way here. She's teething too so I need to go look for some baby orajel." I say looking down at Alejandra as she whined here and there behind her pacifier.

"Awwww auntie baby, she's warm too" she says rubbing her head as I nodded. "So you excited about seeing everyone tonight" my mother says as I shrugged pushing the buggy. "I'm ready to see my brothers. I know Micaiah coming home today. So glad he's doing good in college and Jelani I'm ready to see him too. Hate I'm always busy and only come around on holidays." I say sadly as my mother rubbed my back. "Oh dear we understand don't down yourself honey" she says as I sighed.

"Yeah I know, lemme go look for her some orajel, I'll meet y'all at the register." I say sneaking away from them as they nodded. "Hello" I say answering my phone seeing it was Rihmeek. "Hey you not feisty anymore" he says as I smiled rolling my eyes. "Listen you didn't have to hang up on me like that" I say turning down the medicine aisle. "and yo ass didn't have to wear them damn leggings but you did anyways." He says as I looked confused. "And how yo ass know I'm wearing.....oh my gawd meeeeeek" I gasped turning around seeing him.

Jumping into his arms he held me as I kissed his neck. "When did you get here and when did you see me and not say anything about you coming to New York." I ask as he placed me down. "I got in this morning and was stopping by the store anyways. Seen y'all walk into the store so I thought I'd show myself instead of waiting to show up at ya crib" he says as I smiled. "You were gone surprise my ass huh, cute" I say as he smirked. "Damn you look good" he says as I bit my lips. "So do you but too bad you wanna hold off, daddy" I say as he pulled me close.

"Lemme holla at you for a few hours, you free" he ask as I nodded. "Just lemme get my baby some orajel real quick then I'll sneak off" I say walking around him bending down to get it. "Damn girl" I heard him say pushing up on me causing me to lean forward as my eyes grew seeing and old couple walking by. "MEEK" I squealed standing up as he held my waist from behind kissing my neck as I walked up.

"Baby girl in pain huh" he ask as I nodded. "Yup and she running a fever so I'm gone go ahead and pay for....oh there they go." I say turning the corner seeing Candi holding her and my mom still with the buggy. "Oh well hello Rihmeek what a surprise to see you" my mother says as they hugged. "Mmmmhmmm" Candi smirks as I gave her that shut the fuck up look. "Onika did you invite him over for dinner tonight" my mother says as meek looked at me.

"Actually I'm about to go eat now Ms. Maraj so" Meek says as I elbowed him. "Nah we about to hang out for a few hours and yes I invited him to come with me yesterday but he said his schedule was tight. Didn't even know he was hear until just now" I smiled as he took my hand. Alejandra then sat up crying but when she saw Meek she stopped smiling hard. "Okay so here's the orajel, Me and Meek are about to go hang out, I'll be back before 7." I say placing the medicine in the buggy pulling meek with me to the door hearing Alejandra cry.

"She'll be alright" I say looking up at him as he shook his head. "So where you trying to take me playboy" I ask as he lead me to a black car. "Uber?" I ask as he nodded. "I'm trying to do a few things to you and make you feel good." He says as we got in. "And I'm very fertile right now" I say as he just looked at me. "And what you trying to say" he ask as I sighed. "I'm ovulating and the way you be shooting up club I'd be pregnant BUT my period should be coming on any day now so you may not be so lucky this time" I say as he smirked.

"No babies right now and we agreed but I'm good I'm on the pill nasty because I know you're going to fill me up every time" I say as he licked his lips. "Hell yeah you do that shit though, I be trying to pull out but you grip a hold to me and won't let go. Good ass pussy" he says rubbing between my thighs making me wet. Leaning over I whispered in his ear. "Fuck me" I say seductively licking his neck as he directed the driver to head to wherever it was he was staying at.

"Damn you act like we didn't just see each other yesterday ma" he says as I shrugged. "I can't be away from you long daddy, I be missing you like the way my pussy miss ya dick" I say squeezing him as he jumped. "Woah shit girl, calm yo lil freak ass down" he says as I licked my lips rubbing my hands up and down his chest. "I body really misses you,
It's almost been a month Rihmeek. Make me feel good" I say as he pecked my lips. "I got you" he says as we drove the rest of the car ride feeling and touching on each other.

I decided I'd break this up since y'all bigheaded asses rushing for an update! XO😘



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