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5 months later


Nicki POV

"Bye my babies. Are you sure you don't want mommy and daddy to stay" I ask as meek and I were standing in the doorway of the triplets classroom. Today's their first day of pre-K and I'm an emotional wreck. "Bye bye mommy" Aiden says as I pouted. I lowkey wanted them to cry and not want to stay but they proved me wrong. "Well okay, mommy will be back to get you alright" I say rubbing my belly feeling my baby girl kick.

"Okay" they all say as I waved goodbye slowly turning to leave with meek grabbing a hold of my hand. "Chill out ma they gone be straight. Damn baby girl got you emotional as fuck" he says as I chuckled wiping the tears from my eyes. "Oh shut up meek" I say as we walked to the family truck. I was now 5 months pregnant and is due in December right around my birthday. Lord knows I hope she comes the week before or after my birthday though because she'll definitely be spoiled.

And yes you heard me right, meek and I are having a baby girl and is naming her Ava. I'm really obsessed with the letter A so all of my kids name start with an......A, weird right? Meek wanted her to have a more black hood girl name but mommy wasn't having that. "She does not have me emotional it's just my babies are getting so big. They'll be 4 next month. Oh lord what we gone do meek" I say placing my seatbelt on as he pulled off.

"What you mean what we gone do, throw them a big party" he says as I smacked my teeth pushing his arm. "Ugh I know that nigga, I'm saying what we gone do with our kids growing up on us so fast." I say as he looked over at me. "Make more" he smirks as I sighed. "Nah we already got another one cooking in the oven now. After this one no more" I say as he chuckled. "Yeah right" he says as I side eyed him.

"Ava your daddy gone mess around and have to get himself fixed he keep on" I say looking down rubbing my stomach in circles. "She moving" meek ask as I nodded. "Yes but it's still lil flutters. You won't be able to feel it or see her kick till I'm about 6 to 7 months but you knew that from the last babies. Damn still can't believe I was carrying 3 babies that ended up coming early. Hope Ava comes on time because I don't want to go through that again" I say reminiscing.

"And she will baby speak positive." Meek says placing his hand on my stomach as I smiled. "She's going to be so spoiled by you simply because she's yours but you spoiled Alejandra too and still is spoiling her ass. It's almost like you forgot about me" I shrugged as he smacked his teeth. "Now you know damn well yo lil ass spoiled don't even go there" he says as I smiled. "I know daddy" I say leaning down kissing his arm as he continued rubbing my stomach in circles.

"You know daddy when we get home I want you to....." I say whispering the rest in his ear while reaching my hand over rubbing him down slowly. "Damn let me get yo horny ass home then ma" he says as I giggled sitting back up in my seat. "I'm hungry too" I say as he nodded. We ended up going to sit down for breakfast and of course he had fans approach us wanting pictures and autographs. I wasn't in the mood for that and I wanted to get my food to go.

Arriving home I ate and was tired right after so I went upstairs, stripped out of my clothes, and got in the bed. "Damn ma I thought you wanted daddy to please you" meek says walking in the room gently climbing on top of me. "Yeah I did but I'm sleepy daddy, lay with me" I say scooting over on my side patting the bed for him to join me as he shrugged removing his shirt and chains getting in bed with me. We ended up sleeping for a while until the house phone rung.

Sighing I turned over pushing meek in hopes he'd get up to get it but instead he just laid there on his stomach. "Meek get up, answer the phone" I say still pushing him. Hearing it stop I sighed dozing back off to sleep but my phone started ringing right after.  "Ughhhhh" I sighed leaning over grabbing it answering without looking to see who it was. "Hello" I say with attitude until I heard it was the boys teacher making me wake up fully. "Hello is this Mrs. Williams" she ask as I sighed sitting up.

"Yes ma'am it is, I'm sorry I was sleep. Something's wrong? How are my boys" I ask rubbing my face getting ready to ask many questions but I let her speak. "They were good up until learning time Aaron had an accident then Austin turned around and bit one of the kids. Aiden has been good so far besides him crying a little that he wanted you here and there." She says as I shook my head. "Oh I'm so sorry. Umm they should have extra clothes in their bags" I say as she spoke.

"And we looked and didn't see any" she says as I smacked my teeth looking back at meek because he was responsible for placing their extra clothes inside their book bags. "Okay well I'm on my way, and I'll be picking up all three" I say before ending the call annoyed. "Meek" I say before getting up off the bed calling his name again. "MEEK" I say leaning over slapping his ass making him jump up. "Damn Nic chill" he says as I smacked my teeth.

"No wake the fuck up over there sleep like you're the one that's fucking pregnant." I say as he smacked his teeth rolling over facing me. "What the fuck is your problem" he says as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Why didn't you place the boys extra clothes in their bags just in case of accidents. Yeah they potty trained but god forbid today had to be the day one of them had an accident." I say annoyed because they still struggle with letting it be known they have to potty.

"I don't know it slipped my mind but why you up tripping? Get back in bed and take yo ass back to sleep." He says as I sighed loudly. "No their teacher called saying Aaron had an accident and Austin bit someone. So you're going to pick them up" I say throwing the covers off of him. "Damn why can't you get them" he says as it took everything in me not to slap the fuck out of him. "Because your PREGNANT WIFE is tired. We have THREE boys and need to work together with them." I say as he ignored me.

"That's it we're getting a new nanny. I'm sick of this shit" I say throwing my clothes on grabbing my purse and keys, sliding my shoes on, and heading out the door. Lucia is working on getting better. She was diagnosed with cancer three months ago and is in chemo therapy so I thought meek and I could handle shit together but looks like I was wrong. Heading to the school my phone rung and seeing it was meek I ignored it because I was upset with him.

Seeing that he wouldn't stop calling I finally gave in and answered. "Hello" I simply say as he went off on me. "YO WHY THE FUCK YOU NOT ANSWERING YO PHONE ONIKA" he says as I took the phone off my ear placing it on speaker. "Listen lower your voice when talking to me nigga. Yo ass could've gotten up to come get the boys so since you're being inconsiderate I didn't want to hear your voice right now." I say as he smacked his teeth.

"That's beside the fucking point you should've answered the phone because something could have happened and I not know. Also I was getting up to leave no one told you to up and leave" he says as I sighed. "Listen I'll see you when I get back bye" I simply say before hanging up on him. Arriving I went in to get them as the teacher helped me with their things. "Thank you miss Amanda. Again I'm so sorry for Aaron and Austin's behavior it won't happen again" I say as she nodded.

"Oh its fine we're just told to inform you when things like this happens." She says as I nodded. "Okay see you tomorrow" I say before getting in placing my seatbelt on pulling off. "Mommy I sowwie my pee pee hurts and I didn't go tew the baffroom" Aaron says as I tried not to crack a smile because all three of them says their pee pee hurts when they have to use the potty. "Mommy is very upset with you Aaron" I say looking up at him in the mirror as he hung his head.

"You too Austin. We do not use our teeth to bite other kids so both of you are going to get a spanking when we get home okay" I say watching his head hang low too. "Mommy I was good" Aiden says as I smiled. "Yes baby you were but Miss Amanda said you were crying, why were you crying" I say as he looked at me. "Be be because I miss yew mommy and I....I didn't want yew tew leave me" he says as my heart dropped. "Awwwww, Okay stop before you make mommy cry" I say as the other two said they missed me too.



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