Street Chick + Rich Guy = ♥ Love ♥ (AAM)

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Ok guys this is my first Aarranged Marriage story,I just love reading AAM stories  

Sooo im doing one but it's like totaly different. 

Im writting proper english from now on no slang : ( 

It just isn't helping my grammer at skl ooops i mean school lol.

Sooo its called :

Street Chick + Rich Guy='Love'

And it's just about a really hood girl who's Mixed race. 

And the guy is just a rich kid who's white and know's nothing about Street life. 

and they some what end up ...

Yeah you get the idea : )

So here we go. 


Chapter one

Shakaylla'S POV- (pronounced Sha-kaay-laah)

Great it's 9:30 and i need 2 get my ass up like write now. 

I really hated my life,my family and myself. 

I just can't stop thinking that maybe this life won't be mine for long,just maybe i could get luckyand get the chance to turn my life around. 

Im 17.dropped out no got kicked out of skool 3 years ago. 

Im half white and half indian and some were in me there's jamaican. 

I used 2 love skool when i was younger but then my mum died of breast cancer and then i turned to the streets then my dad couldn't handle me and now im in a care home just one more year till they can give me my inheritance money.

Im in so deep, u know in the game that i can't get out and it really pisses me off ....big time. 

Im really known around london and people look up too me ,i have a reputation that can't be let down. 

I don't know what i want exactly but i know this ain't the the life when im 20.

So after having the same old thoughts that pop into my head every morning

I got up and headed for my bathroom.

I got out twenty minutes later and got all blacked out.

I wore combats and i wore girl boxers which said what u looking at on the top so ppl could see if i bent down lol i didnt want no bum crack showing now did

I put on a long sleep black fitted top and put on my nike black trainers.

I looked hard.

I did my hair up in two fluffing out my hair at the end and put some black bubbles in.

I straightened down a fringe and had some bubbles in the back.

it was warmish coolish out side so i didnt need a jacket.

I reached for my phone and dyled my best guy friend Kavelle.

He picked up on the second ring and responded with :

'Yo Shakayla you kool ?' 

'Yeah yeah im ok,im going to make my way down your's yeah.' 

'Oh yeah ok don't forget to bring the stuff...i'll see you in a bit'he said too me  

'Yeah don't worry i got it all ready for them ,bye bro'i said to him 

'By sis peace' he replied and hanged up.

Street chick + Rich Guy='Love' (AAM)Where stories live. Discover now