Street Chick + Rich Guy = ♥ Love ♥ (AAM) (CH-10)

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X.....Hhey guys ,ok so im pretty sure it's been months since i last wrote a chapter of Street Chick + Rich Guy = 'Love' .the last chpter i had written was on the 11th of april LMAO....and it's now 12th of june ok ok so ive been a little busy and a little tyred sue me : ) but her is chapter 10 nd it going to be long and awesome please forgive me ; O LOL anyways here it is the moment u have all been waiting for...X


* Shakaylla's P.O.V *

Ok so what really did happen to me ? my senses were becoming sharper , i heard paper crumpling and the news on a low tempo.My head acked and my chest and throat felt dry like burnt toast. I opened an eye, but shut it tight again as i saw the light,which anyone normal would assume to be heaven light.I groaned not happy ,i felt some one touch my arm and i flinched who was that and why where they so close to me ?

'Kaylla are you awake ,can here me ?' a strange but familliar voice questioned.

It took me a while to respond to the worried character inthe background,i groand and spoke.

'The light,make it go away!' i whispered while taking in a deep breath.And i had felt one side of the bed raise up a tad.I heard the sounds of curtains being drawn and my eyelids looked pitch black for a moment.I opened em and blinked vigorously at the colourfull dots that showed up in my eyes affected by the sudden darkness.

I saw him his elbow propped up on one side angled to lean and look down on me,his eyes filled with worry and some what relief.i took this time too look over his some what cute the little faint beauty spot he had write below his lip : ) and how he had amazingly smooth skin no breakouts or spots or anything ,he had long eyelashes that could sweep the desert off it feet ....literally.There was something that was very protective of him and the vibe rubbed off on me when he sighed and felt my forhead.Was he really worried about me ?

'The doctor said you need to take this,it will help with the headache im sure u have' he said reaching over me to my bedside table our eyes caught for a quick scond and i turned my head feeling confused.

When he reached back he had a pharmacy paper bag and a small glass of water .

I sighed and turned my head the opposite direction ....i hated tablets ,i could never swallow the friggin huge things even when they were small it would the be the taste.I would rather go through pain than swallow the little drugs.though i had,had ecstacy and crack a couple time but then again they were sniffing drugs.

'Come on kaylla ,dont be stuborn it's supposed to help u ' he tried to convince me.

I propt my self up slowly onto the pillows ,only then did i realise all the papers on his side of the bed,and the chewed up pens he had laying on the bed too it wa s kind of funny actually lol.but i didnt let it show on my face.My head really was hurting and i knew i was acting ridiculous like a 6 year old or something..

'Here' he said taking one out of the packet and placing it in my mouth for me,i was surprised by how he was treating me it scared me actually ...he brought the glass of water to my mouth and made me drink it while swallowing the horrible tablet as well.i was drinking it slowly ,and he was staring into my eyes and it felt like he was trying to look through to my soul.i tilted my head up to tell him i had had enough he took the glass away from my lips and got another tablet out.he did the same thing but i avoided his eyes it felt like he was looking for something i kept sacred something no one was supposed to look at ...without my permission.

After a feww moments he cleared the bed and relaxed with me.

'Im sorry for last night,i was just really angry and u just happend to be there i'll make it up to you i promise,please forgive me and my harsh ways '

Trey said pleading .

'Yeah whatever'

I said not really botherd anymore about what happend last night.

'Umm you start school with me tomorrow do you think u'll be ok tomorrow morning ?' he asked questioning me.

'Yeah probably...wait how did you get me into school i got kicked out when i was 14 '

i said surprised and sad when i thought back at my bad memories.

'It wasnt easy ,just aslong as you promise you wont miss classes and curse at teachers ...' he trailled on...' I looked at your records and realised you had a really big passion for science and art what happend ?' he asked truelly intrigued.

i sighed ...hating the topic...'Well after my mom died ,i-er i just gave up and thought what was the point i mean there was no longer a female role model to play a part in my life anymore.' i finished feeling hurt.

'But don't you think your mother would be pleased if she knew you were doing her proud and chasing your dreams' trey went on.

'Dont go their trey ,u truely wouldnt understand what i went through and what she meant to me' i backed up knowing that wasnt an excuse.

There was silence for a couple seconds before he said...

'Well this is your chance to do what you want and make your mum proud' he said sounding determined.

'hmmm' i said not wanting to continue the conversation.

the pain killars took afect pretty quick and i got off the bed to walk about legs started to feel like jelly after all that lying down.

I went down the stairs and fixed myself up a bowl of cereal lol.i was really hungry i guess that was an affect from fainting.i watched some T.V in the living room and relaxed a little.Then i got up after about an hour then went upstairs to see trey writting away.his eyebrows twisted together from concentration and difficulty to comprehend what he was reading.

He looked stressed and in his non happy place.


thats all i have time for sorry for the delay i mentioned they are finallly starting school some one private messaged me about that so here u go.

Vote if you like the story or if its ok,comemment on what u have to say or ask ...and become afan : )

Thanks bye ...x

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