Street Chick + Rich Guy = ♥ Love ♥ (AAM)

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Hey here's chapter 9 of Street Chick + Rich Guy ='Love' (AAM) this chapter will be long and it's going to feature Trey's point of view so you can see how he is coping and it might help any questions you might have about his relationship towards his father.Thanks for allthe votes and comments from the previous chapters i really do appreciate it even though i take like forever to upload ...hey im a lazy bitch and you guys should be used to that by now : )

But i'll stop my babbling and enjoy.


Street Chick + Rich Guy ='Lolve' (AAM)

Chapter 9 :

* Still Shakaylla's P.O.V *

As soon as i get out of here and go home im g- .wait did i just say home ugh what ever it is anyway i was saying im going to have to get out the house on my own without the paps noticing me.But until then i had to play the part to Trey and his family.Trey seemed eager to ask me what the dealio was about my breakdown scene but i saw he let it slide untill we reached home ugh great i really don't know whats wrong with me i would never in my life cry in front of stangers but then again Trey wasn't a stranger technically.

We were still outside and it was getting alot more windier with a slight chill i think a storm might be coming : ( i dont even want to go there please lord no thunder please i dont mind rain but please i'll beg on my knees if i have too.I had decided i had enough of debating with myself in my mind,and focused on getting inside.

'Trey can we go in im cold '................i wined hopping he would'nt see through my weak attempt to get out of his motherly like questions.

'Yeah um we should probably start heading out now if we want to beat the storm brewing up' .....he replied while walking me back inside.

So it's true a storm is really coming i hope i can handle this ,i mean i dont have the social workers or Kavelle to stay with me this time.

Boy am i going to suffer later on tonight .

'Hey mum' Trey shouted a little to call his mum over.

'Where going to start heading out now ok,i'll see you all whenever' Blade said with his mums head poking through a door ready to say fair well to her son.

Well i guess his dad ain't going to be coming out of his office any time soon ....oh wait spoke 2 soon here he was with omg ...

A whole booklet and a brief case.I saw Trey's face go down and i saw Ciara roll her eyes like she knew what was going to happen.

'Trey u will finish all these blueprints and finish of the paper work in the briefcase for me by tomorrow i need them done urgently and don't give me any back chats again, i really really dont need that tonight ,just be a good boy and get to working'

Treys dad said not even caring about his son's sour face which could not be ignored he looked like a baby who's fun fair lollipop got stolen .

Trey sighed sadly but picked his self up and put on his pretty good poker face ...nut i could see through it ...i could see it in his eyes his eyes could give anything and everything away.

We finally said good bye to the nice ppl in his family and hugged them all, Mrs Brion told trey not to worry but trey just rolled his eyes again.

We got intothe car and he tilted his head back on his head rest on his seat and did a long sigh while shutting his eyes for a minute .

....I asked him 'Do you really have to do all that work for your father trey ,i mean im sure he'll und-'

But he cutt me off before i could finish my sentence ,he started raising his voice and taking out all his anger on me ugh me !!!

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