Street Chick + Rich Guy = ♥ Love ♥ (AAM) (CH-4)

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Ok hey ppl.

Im lovin the votes and comments and fan'ing. lol

Keep it going people : )

Its like 8 am on a skl day and i just faked an illness for u lots soooo.....ur welcome.

If i went skl i wouldnt be bothered 2 write this chapter ...i would be knocked out cuz i have cheerleading : )

So enough of my life and here's chapter 4 :)


Trey's P.O.V


Oh NO, shit ! i wasnt supposed to kiss her .

Well not yet anyways . I just couldnt help it .

Her bright green and hazel eyes where too tempting.

The plan is sooo falling appart .

and what would my dad tell me ....

I just cant tell him about this thats wat.

The plan is still in action.


Back 2 Shakaylla's P.O.V


That was so awkward i mean i would never alow a stranger yet alone a white wun at dat to kiss me.

Dont get me wrong im not racist it's just boys where never on my mind it was the game on my mind.

And the fact that i allowed him and enjoyed it is whats making me confused.

Was this a game too ?

Am i supposed to play along too ?

Am i just this thing his family are using for ?

Questions questions and more questions I wish i could turn back ryt now.

The streets would be much easier than this.And i would know !

Its just something about him was inviting.Yet i only didnt know what.

And i mean who would want to be with me.

Yeah yeah i get guys wanting a chance with me but i blow them off.

Am i supposed to blow this one off too ? And what have i got to lose oh yeah 'Everything'

I can't back out because im doing this for my 'family'

We had been on the plane for 4 hours and the plane journey is 7 hours which means we have 3 more hours to go....yeah i was a really good mathematic at school ...even though anyone could get that answer right too. lol

I had woken up from my nap to find a blancket wrapped over me and then i realised i was leaning on him and he was awake.

I quickly got off him.

'Sorry' i said as i shifted away from him

'It's ok ' he smile at me.

I was lokking at the blacket wraaped neatly over me and he sawmy confusion.

'oh i put that over you . u where shivering' he answered my unspoken question shakily and unsure.

i just left it and told him thanks.

Street chick + Rich Guy='Love' (AAM)Where stories live. Discover now