Street Chick + Rich Guy = ♥ Love ♥ (AAM) (CH-8)

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....X omg im so sorry about the extremely late chapter : ) the last chapter was written on march the 24th and it's april 9th lol thats really bad....i just got so caught up in my easter holidays i forgot about you guys 'MY BAD' but here is the next chapter soooooo ENJOY ...PLEASE : )


Street Chick + Rich Guy = 'Love' (AAM)


-----> Shakaylla's P.O.V <-----

Ciara was genuinly a nice person she showed me around the house and we had a little girl talk while trey went to go find his parents.

I was having a laugh at ciara because she tripped half way down the stairs and when she landed at the bottom safely she was all like 'ANYWAYS' trying to act like she was meant to do that lol her cheeks turned pink and she started to join me in the lafter.

Me and ciara were walking into the front room and we saw her parents talking to Trey all i heard before they noticed our entrence was 'You must not let anything in the way of your duty's and i forbid you too fall for h-'

Wow i well we must o finterupted something very important,and i could see it on Ciara's face she looked startled by her fathers remark.

Trey just sat their with his head down in his hands wereas his father stood infront of him with a stern look on his face and his mother was trying to keep up but u could tell she wanted to say something completely the opposite,Ciara cleared her throat to show everybody we where actually here .

I felt upset now.I mean i bet that whole big scene was about me but why was trey being told off by his father.

My mood just changed completely knowing that trey was upset and that MR Brion was not always the kind cheery type of a father i always sensed a bit of tention between him and his father's just little things i guess.

Mrs Brion came and welcomed me and told me to not worry about what i just whitnessed and then Mr B ...just stormed off giving me a evil stare he saw my confusion and he just walked while shaking his head out the room. Trey gestured for me to sit and i did .

It was a two seater he was on so his mother and Ciara sat opposite us on a three sitter.

Trey smiled at me and leaned to me to whisper something

'Don't worry about him and it's nothing to do with you ok '

He whispered telling me ,reasuring me.

But i just wasn't buying it im not stupid his dad had a problem with me ,he probably hates me ,maybe he found out about my past on the streets,maybe he feels im no good for Trey,if i heard this a couple of days ago i really wouldn't give a shit about anyone but everythings different now.

Mrs Brion tried to lighten the mood a little and it helped a bit.She told me i could call her Lizz....short for Elizabeth .

The four of us got to know each other and just relaxed in the front room...excluding Mr Brion himself.

Even their butler came to have a chat.

What did i do to them for Mr Brion to hate me ....I started to go distant and Trey sensed my distantness he said

'Excuse us both for a minute' to Ciara and his mother lizz

And with that he took my hand and made his way through the house and out the back door revealling a huge garden packed with beautiful flowers and tree's ,i coudn't believe my eyes this was a beauty .

Street chick + Rich Guy='Love' (AAM)Where stories live. Discover now