Will you love me when you're dead? (Andley fanfic boyxboy)

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{Hey guys ^^ i hope you like this fanfic of Andy and Ashley. I warn you now, this is a fanfic and there will be some sex parts and sex related comments. If you don't like that and/or don't want to read it please leave and please don't leave any hate comments on my stories... I'm only trying to make people smile and I don't want any hate. For my little poptarts who are willing to read this, please tell me if the story is good or there are any changes I need to make (ex: spelling errors, mispronunciation etc) if you would like to give me ideas for my next chapter please leave a comment and please vote it means a lot^^ okay enough of me talking... I hope you enjoy my little poptarts! ~scout}

Ashley's POV

That smile of his. That soft pink color on that smile he wears proudly everyday. If he knew how much I liked him it would be a lot easier. But it just has to be hard, since that's the way life is. you think it's a piece of cake when in reality it hits you like a brick to the ribs. if I wasn't so afraid of being broken all over again I'd tell Andy how i really felt about him.

" But what if he doesn't like me? What if all of this is just part of growing up? What if my hormones of being a teenager are acting up and they want me to lasso in a dude instead of my usual really sexy ladies? What if im just a loser an-" I shake my head snapping out of the thoughts that barricade my brain from doing any school work. I look up and realize I'm in geometry. I can't start paying attention now if I do I'll get confused. I raise my hand and ask to use the bathroom. My teacher lets me and I walk out of the class.

I walk down the hallway towards the bathroom and I run into this tall boy walking the other way. "Oh.. Uhh.. I'm sorry.. I-I-I I didn't see you there..." I blush and look down "hey it's okay.. No harm done" his husky voice rings through my ears. I know that voice. I could pick it out from anywhere. I look up and see Andy standing in front of me. "Oh... Uhh... A-Andy right?" I choke out shyly. "That's me the one and only" he smiles. "Hey are you brothers with Jeremy and jake?" I ask trying to overcome my shy awkwardness. "Yeah I am and everyone calls him jinxx. Aren't you ccs little brother?"he asks in return and I nod. "We'll I have to get to class. See ya later?" I nod and he leaves.

I forgot why I even needed to go to the bathroom in the first place so I just fix my makeup and my hair then walk back out. As I'm making my way back to class I stop and buy a soda from one of the vending machines. I get mtn dew code red. I don't know why but I like the cherry twist to it although I hate the taste of mtn dew. I drink some down an walk into class. As soon as I sit down my teacher hands us a pop quiz. "Shit" I think to myself and start working on the quiz. I find myself working all the way till the lunch bell blares in my ear.

{iiimm baaack! HAHAHA cx sorry falling in reverse reference cx but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It kinda sucked in my opinion but it'll get better i promise! Again if you'd like to leave ideas leave them in the comments and ill choose the best 3! Please vote and share with your friends <3 okay bye bye for now my little poptarts! ~scout}

Will you love me when you're dead? (Andley fanfic boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now