Fall For You (Ashley's POV)

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i wake up a few hours later to something warm. i feel around and feel skn. andys skin. i look at the time and sighs in relief "thank god... its only 6:30pm... if it was any later i wouldnt be able to make it home in time before my parents get home from work. if my dad finds out i went to a friends house without him knowing itll be the end of me" i whisper to myself and silently and carefully slip out of Andy's arms. i dont feel my usual clothes on so i look down and notice im wearing batman fuzzy pjs. i smle and take them off and fold them neatly and lay them on the foot of the bed. i start out the door, after slipping my clothes on, and realize i need to leave a note for andy saying i left so he doesnt get scared.

~" hey andybear. its ash. by the time you read this ill have gone home. my dad called me and said dinner was ready. i didnt wait for you because i dont live that far away and i waned to walk anyways. sleep well and i left your pants under this note. ill see you tomorrow at school. have a nice night. -Ashley"~

i start home and put my earbuds in. i listen to suicide silence you only live once on repeat then i make it home. i open the door to find my father standing there waiting for me. "well well well. look who finally desided to show up. you know what day of the week it is boy." he pulls off his belt and hits my side hard before i realze whats going on. i yelp from the instant pain and my knees buckle. i manage to keep standing as my dad lashes me again. i fall to the floor and tr to crawl to my room. "come back here boy. your mom isnt here to save you this time now is she?" he beats me to the point where i cant get up and i cant call andy for help. i try to reach my phone but im too weak. i end up pasing out on the floor to the scent of my own blood.


i wake up and sit up. my whole body hurts and is all bloody from earlier. i grunt and manage to stand up. i walk to my room to get my red stained towel and i walk to the bathroom to take a shower. i turn the water on to a lukewarm water because if its any hotter or colder itll burn my whip lashes. i go to the false drawer i made and take out my blade. i figured out going up the stream will land me in the morgue so i make long long cut up my arm. deep enough to bleed but not enough to kill me. i cut 20 more times across my wrist and stare at the blade for a minute. i place the blade on my neck and start to push it down. i make a cut but it doesnt look anything like a cut. it just looks like a cat scratch so i stop. "not yet ash..." i put the blade back in the drawer and shut both the false drawer and the actual drawer. i lock it and look at my blood covered body in the mirror as the mirror fogs up. i step in the shower and grunt in extreme pain as the water runs down my body. i start washing my hair in pain and carefully wash my body. i stand there for another 40-50 minutes then i get out and dry off. i walk into my room and flop on the bed. i dry my body off and put my fuzzy hello kitty pj pants on. i flop back down on my bed and rub my eyes. "i dont think im going to school tomorrow..." i sigh and get back up again. i go to my medicine cabinet and get my sleeping pills out. i take a bunch not caring how many i take and i stumble back to bed. i lay down and im out like a light. for the first time i sleep peacefully and throughout the night

~hey guys ^^ took me a while but i finally got to add more ^^ i wrote two chapters for two different stories in one day :o im so proud cx okay okay please follow me and vote!! your support and help means so much!! please comment and give me ideas for new chapters or you can simply tell me what you think abouy my stories ^^ please please please vote follow me and comment :3 i might be pickig one of you to help me with my new story :3 i love love love you guys ^^ byeee~

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