Dont leave me here. I need you..

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{~heeeeeey my cute little pop tarts ^^ I'm sorry I've been gone for so long :c I've had horrible writers block and I got everything taken away so I couldn't write D: but I'm back now!! ^^ enjoy the next part of this story c:~}

Andys POV

I walk to class and notice the guy I ran into yesterday. I catch myself staring at him and I run into a desk "ow.." I rub my hip and watch where I'm going. I go to my seat and I sit down. Suddenly I feel eyes on me, then I realize who it is. It's the boy I ran into. His name Is Ashley... Isn't it? I try not to make it seem creepy but I turn around and look at him. He catches himself staring at me and he looks down. I look down pretty embarrassed as well.

Class finally ends and I stand up. I pack my things up and I notice Ashley is standing next to me. "hi.." He says shyly and I wave to him. He smiles and looks up at me "I thought I'd wait for you so we could talk and hang out" he smiles. I smile back and finish packing up. "Okay I'm ready" I smile and we walk out together. We walk to my next class, art and I finally have the guts to say something "so what class do you have now?" I smile shyly at him. "I actually have art too" he smiles. his smile is so perfect I melt. we walk into art and we sit down next to each other.

Art goes by slowly and I kinda like it. I actually get a chance to talk to this mysterious boy and we sit next to each other. What more could I ask for?

Ashley and I have to separate for a whole because he has math and I have gym. I walk into gym and we start playing volley ball. I suck at it and everyone hits me with a ball every chance they get. Once we finish playing the game we have to go shower. I find the old shower in the back where no one can see me. I strip down and I take a fast shower hoping no one sees my cuts. I dry off with a towel from the school and I throw my clothes back on.

It's finally lunch and I meet back up with Ashley. We sneak oh of school an we go up to a little pizza place. We both get pepperoni pizza and we go to an arcade after. I put in $5 and I get 20 tokens. I play a bunch of games and I win a little blue bear for ash. He smiles but he doesn't win anything. I take him over the the claw machine and I show him how to get a prize. He tries it and wins a cute little giraffe. He shows me. "I'm gonna name it little Andy because you're tall like a giraffe, an my favorite animal is a giraffe.. And I... Nevermind..." He gets really shy all of a sudden. I look at him confused. he shakes his head and we leave the arcade.

As we head back to school I notice Ashley is getting tired "hey.. Want a piggy back ride to school?" I ask. he nods and sleepily jobs on my back. I swear as soon as his head hit my back he was out like a light. I walk for a while and I finally reach school. "hey ashy... Ashy wake up were at school.." I gently shake him awake and he yawns. his yawn is so adorable! "Hmm?... What?.. Oh okay.." He gets down and stretches. "did you sleep okay?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah you're really comfy" I chuckle, blushing and he smiles. "We should hang out sometime" I tell him and he hesitantly nods. Uh oh.. He hesitated... What is he hiding?

We go our separate ways again and the rest of my classes go by slower than ever. School is finally over and I wait for Ash by his locker "hey.." I call to him and he smiles. I can tell he's half asleep so I help him he everything. "Want me to take you home?" He shakes his head scared and he hides his face in my shirt. "Hey hey... What's wrong?.." I hold him and whisper "please don't take me home... I can't go home.. Please don't..." I can feel him shaking I my arms. I hold him tighter and I hum quietly to him. He calms down a bit "then let's go to my house" I give him a piggy back ride to my car and I set him in it I go to my side and get in. By the time I get I'm he's already sleeping.

When I get home my mom isn't gone so I take him up to my room and I change him into some of my batman pj pants. I hope he doesn't think I'm weird for changing him.. I just want him to be comfy... I take his shirt off and start to remove his bracelets. I gasp and leave them on hoping he doesn't know that I know. I strip down to my boxers and puts another pair of batman jp pants on. I lay in bed next to him and all I remember is his scent of axe cologne and... Bubblegum..?

{~hey guys ^^ I thought I'd treat you to a long chapter because I've been gone for so long :c comment if I messed up or if you have any ideas for my next chapter ^^ thanks so much my little pop tarts for reading my works and stay tuned for the next chapter! I love you guys c: ~Scout ~}

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