Chapter 5:A Grave Misunderstanding

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Maddie/me: hey guys! Here's the newest chapter for the corpse and once again *Talks super fast* Corpse Bride and Total Drama belong to their respective creators, and I am but a lowly, insignificant insect who is a fan. *Speaks normally again* Now on with the chapter!

Chapter Five-A Grave Misunderstanding

Gwen stood on a bridge outside, looking sadly at the flower Duncan gave her. A miserable sigh escaped her throat as she thought of what a fool she'd made of herself back in the mansion. It took all her willpower to keep herself from crying as she remembered the looks on everyone's faces.This isn't fair! She thought miserably. I didn't even want to get married in the first place! Mother and Father don't even care about my happiness! Gwen had half a mind to go back and tell her parents that to their faces, but she knew that if she did, there'd be hell to pay. They'd probably toss out her art materials, maybe even kick her out into the streets. Also, she really didn't want to cause a scene, especially not in front of Duncan.''Oh, Duncan." she said sadly, looking at the flower. "He must think I'm such a fool. This day couldn't possibly get any worse." She was suddenly proved wrong as Beth, who was nearby, shouted; ''Hear ye, hear ye! Rehearsal suspended since Stoss girl causes chaos! The wedding could be canned! Libertines all riled up after Stoss ruins rehearsal!"
Of course it could. Gwen walked off the bridge, walking off into the deep, dark forest. ''A wedding shouldn't be all that difficult!" She said to herself. "It's just a few simple vows!" She held up her right hand. "With this hand, I will take your wine." She sighed sadly. "No." She continued walking, hardly paying any attention to where she was going as she kept trying to memorize her vows. "With this hand, I will cup" She walked up to an old, dead tree. "With this candle, I will...I will...I will...set your father on fire." Finally, she gave up, sitting down on some roots.''Oh, it's no use!" Reaching inside her breast pocket, she pulled out the flower and ring. She sniffed the flower, and suddenly gained newfound confidence. She was going to get this right, not for her gold-digging parents, but for Duncan, to save him from any further embarrassment. She stood back up, putting the flower up again and holding up the ring.''With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine." Smirking a little, she flipped the ring into the air, then caught it. She then walked up to the tree, taking one of the branches in her fingers as she imagined her future in-laws' faces after the wedding.''Ah, Mr. Libertine, you look handsome this evening!" She then walked over to another tree.''What's that, Mrs. Libertine? Call you 'Mom'? If you insist, ma'am." She let out a short laugh as she walked back over to the first tree.''With this candle, I will light your way in darkness! With this ring, I ask you to be mine!" She placed the ring on an upturned root, glowing with determination. Suddenly, a cold breeze started to blow. Gwen turned around to see a bunch of crows on some trees behind her, unaware that the 'roots' in front of her started to move. Suddenly, the 'roots' which were, in fact, actually a bony hand, shot out and grabbed Gwen's arm. The young woman let out a cry of surprise as she felt her arm being pulled down into the ground. She started struggling to pull herself out as the crows cawed some more, some of them flying off. Finally, Gwen managed to pull herself up. However, to her horror, the bony arm was still holding hers, its fingers slightly tightening their grip. She pulled harder, her heart pounding as she tried to get free. She fell backwards, and the arm popped off whatever it was attached to. Gwen pulled it off of herself and tossed it aside, breathing hard. But the horror wasn't over yet.

As the frightened girl watched, the dirt started to rise, and another arm popped out from the ground. A blue-tinted head topped with black hair and a top hat rose from the earth, followed by a black wedding jacket, until the ghastly form of a dead young man outfitted in wedding clothes stood before her. He looked down at Gwen, and opening his mouth, said only two words: ''I do." Gwen let out a terrified scream as he knelt down over her, scrambling backwards before finally managing to pull herself up and run for her life through the dark forest. As she passed by the young man's arm, it started twitching, then flipped itself over, starting to crawl after her. The zombie groom picked the limb up as he started to follow her, putting it back into place. Gwen ran down a hill, almost tripping over her feet, but managing to catch herself.She looked behind her. He was behind her. Her fear fueled her speed, and she could feel her heart pounding. In her haste, Gwen ran onto a frozen lake, running futilely in place for a few seconds before turning back. The corpse was still after her! She jumped onto the shore, running through into some tree branches. They felt like arms, holding her back, keeping her from escaping. However, Gwen did finally manage to get free, though a piece of her dress was torn as she ran off. She made it to the bridge. Panting heavily, Gwen looked back. The corpse was nowhere to be seen, and Gwen was sure she had left him back in the forest. Feeling relieved, she turned around-only to find herself face-to-face with the specter, his shockingly green eyes staring out at her from a face as cold as death itself. Gwen let out a choked cry, backing away as the corpse walked closer, the crows cawing and flying above them. Finally, the dead young man put his hand on Gwen's shoulders.''You may kiss the groom." Gwen wasn't sure whether or not it was her imagination, but the world started to spin around her as he said that. The last thing she knew was the young man's cold, dead lips against her own, and then everything went black.

Me:Well, that was scary. But we all know how the story goes, so don't be too worried for Gwen. And yes, I edited the chase scene somewhat, because I didn't want to make Gwen TOO clumsy.

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