Chapter 13:The Wine of Ages

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Me:Hey readers! I know it's very close to halloween okay it's tomorrow but I'm hoping to finish this story before Halloween tomorrow! Once again I own NOTHING

Chapter thirteen:The Wine of Ages

Duncan stared at his reflection with a combination of anger and sadness. In just a few minutes, he would be getting married. The only problem was that it wasn't to the girl he loved.''We should leave for the church now." Lightning informed him, putting a top hat on his head.''I still can't believe I'm going through with this." Duncan said. "Gwen was the only girl I ever really loved, and here I am, getting married off to some lady 'according to plan'!" He couldn't resist putting finger quotes around the phrase, and Lightning just looked at him sympathetically. This wasn't like Duncan at all. He was obviously angry, but after everything that had happened to him the previous night, he was too broken to fight back against his parents' wishes.Lightning put a hand on his shoulder.''Don't worry, bra, it'll be okay." Neither one of them believed that, but neither of them said anything as they left.

''With this candle, I will light your way in darkness!" Lady Courtney spoke her vows flawlessly, turning to look at her future father-in-law in the pews, who cleared his throat and motioned towards his pocket watch. Lady Courtney then turned back to Duncan.''With this ring, I ask you to be mine!" She placed the ring on Duncan's finger while he just stared blankly at the floor, not making any indication that he was even aware of anything that was going on.''I now pronounce you man and wife!" Pastor Hatchet said, sealing the holy, or rather unholy union as Lightning just looked on in concern from the back row.

In the Netherworld, Gwen was just as miserable as Duncan, if not more so. She sat in one of the empty coffins, blinking tears out of her eyes as she looked down at the flower Duncan had given her. Gwen wasn't normally one for crying, but she felt like her heart had just been ripped out.'mI'm too late." she sobbed.

Then again though, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, Duncan IS a rebel, after all.-NO!
She remembered the sincerity in Duncan's voice, in his face, as he confessed his love for her. He said that she was the only girl he had ever really loved.But what if he was faking it? Gah! I'm so confused! Gwen dropped the flower to the ground and put her hands to her head, letting more tears run down her face. Just then, she heard Trent's voice as he was talking to DJ.''DJ, what do I do? She just walked out without saying a word!" Gwen wiped away her tears and walked up to the door, peeking inside.''Women, who can figure em?" DJ said with a shrug. "Always got something in their heads." As he said this, he pulled out a knife that had somehow gotten stuck in Eva's head and walked off to chop some vegetables.At that moment, Elder Geoff walked in with his big book.''Yo, Trent, I'm afraid I've got some bad news." he said.''Can I tell him?!" LeShawna asked from in between the pages, a bit too excited.''Bad news?" Trent asked worriedly.''I'm afraid there's a bit of a problem with your marriage to that Gwen chick." Elder Geoff said. "See, the vows say that you're bound together until death do you part, right?" ''Right?" Trent answered, not liking where this was going.''Well dude, you're dead." Elder Geoff pointed out. "Death has already parted you." Trent gasped as he realized that he was right. So he was never really married to Gwen! ''If she finds out, she'll leave!" he said, panicked. "Isn't there something you can do?!" ''There is one way..." Elder Geoff said nervously. "But it requires a great sacrifice." ''We have to kill her!" LeShawna piped up.''What?!" Trent asked in shock. Outside, Gwen gasped in horror.''Gwen would have to give up the life she had before." Elder Geoff explained, thumbing through the book. "She would have to repeat her vows in the Land Of the Living, and drink the Wine Of Ages." ''Poison!" Trent gasped under his breath ''This will stop her heart forever." Elder Geoff said, walking up to him. "Only then would she be free to give it to you." ''I couldn't ask her to kill herself!" Trent blurted out, obviously mortified by the thought.
Suddenly, Gwen came to an epiphany. What did she have to live for? The man she loved was married to someone else. Even if she did manage to see him again, he wasn't hers anymore. Plus, death couldn't be so bad. A lot of the corpses and skeletons she'd seen since coming to the Netherworld were all really happy, despite being dead. Everything was so bouncy and fun. The Netherworld was actually more lively than the Land of the Living. And, if Ezekiel was any indication, she wouldn't ever get sick or feel pain anymore. So with that in mind, she stepped into the bar.''You don't have to." she said morosely, stepping up to Trent. "I'll do it." ''Dudette, if you choose this path, there's no going back." Elder Geoff cautioned her. "You can't ever go back to your old life." Despite herself, Gwen chuckled darkly.''It's not like I had much of a life anyway." She took Trent's hand and looked into his eyes. She then repeated his words from the previous night ''I do."

Me:Well, Gwen's lost her will to live. Boy, is this a happy story or what?

Gwen: This is because I'm goth, isn't it?

Me: Nope, that's just the way the story goes, Gwen. Does anyone else have any problems with their character roles?

Courtney: Um, yeah! Why am I the bad guy?!

Me: Because I don't like you.

Courtney: *Gasps* That's not possible! Everyone likes me! I used to be a-!

Me: Yes yes, we've all heard that spiel before. *To Duncan* Honestly, how DID you put up with her? *To readers* Anyways! The next chapters will be updated as soon as I can!💕💕

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